Tuesday, June 12, 2007

[american dream] effortless well-being

Open letter to Americans [and others too]

Do you really think this pill is the answer?

Acomplia, the new weight-loss pill from Sanofi-Aventis, has not yet been approved in the United States because of questions about its safety. But some Americans have decided not to wait. Many are traveling to Europe, where the drug has been approved, or buying the medicine through foreign Web sites, while the U.S. Food and Drug Administration continues its evaluations of the treatment.

I say to not only Americans, on the strength of the body of medical literature, that what is needed is not a pill but:

1] Exercise! Nothing more, nothing less. Go out and do it, whether it's mall-hiking or out in the real world;

2] Eat right. Halve the portions and get off the processed;

3] Appreciate. Be satisfied and keep your ambitions within bounds;

4] Love right. Get the head straight and put the other at the centre of your world;

5] Laugh;

6] Reconnect with your Maker.


  1. I started exercising in the 60s; people would laugh at me. However, I didn't laugh when I was a pallbearer at a couple of the funerals.


    Add to the list: do not smoke cigarettes.


  2. Personally I would recommend this drug to deal with the problem- panexa.com and indeed any other physical ailment.

  3. We live in a want it now society. Exercise takes time and careful eating takes time or money. A pill is something that has been promised for a while and theoretically can be attainable. What, however, are the side effects?

    Life is a set of hurdles, jump as many as you can but eventually one will come along and you won't make it. The object is just to keep going as long as you can.

    Your list is a good one, and with Winfred's comment on cancer sticks, the best we have at the moment.


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