Wednesday, May 16, 2007

[terrorism] chilling the gop debate

Romney and Brownback

Summary of the New York Times article on last evening's debate:

McCain, a prisoner of war in Vietnam, said he would not resort to torture because the United States would lose more in world opinion than it would gain in information.

Giuliani said he would back “every method” short of torture that interrogators could think of because “I don’t want to see another 3,000 people dead in New York or any place else.”

Romney said he would support “not torture but enhanced interrogation techniques and said he wanted the Guantánamo Bay facility doubled in size.

Giuliani supported abortion rights, McCain's identification with campaign finance and immigration legislation, Romney's changing positions on abortion rights and gay rights were the negatives.

Ron Paul appeared to suggest that the United States invited the attacks of Sept. 11 by having originally invaded Iraq, which gave Giuliani a chance to give a rousing patriotic answer.

All the candidates supported the war in Iraq.

Huckabee invoked John Edwards for spending too much money. Giuliani invoked quotations by the Lizard Queen, as an advocate of big, activist government.


  1. Paul did not use the word "invite."

  2. Thanks for that correction - I like Ron Paul.

  3. Ron is ok. :)

    This is all so meaningless until Fred joins in.

  4. Oh thanks be, now I don't have to actually listen to or read the debate in full.

  5. Thanks for the recap, James... I actually didn't watch the debate. This is interesting.

    Incidentally, I'm starting to really like New Order. :)

  6. Last to first:

    Good girl, Ruthie.

    Lady MacLeod: my pleasure.

    Lord Nazh - hey, man, we agree on something [half].

  7. that was supposed to say "Ron is ok for a democrat"

    sorry about that.

    Ron Paul is an idiot, well almost one, he has to work harder before he'll actually move UP to idiot status.


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