Saturday, May 05, 2007

[saturday quiz] for literature buffs

1 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. What follows?

2 Jane Austen had five brothers but only one sister. What was her name?

3 For which Ministry did Winston Smith work in 1984?

4 Bob Kane died on November 3rd 1998. Which character, who had a well-known sidekick, was he best known for?

5 Which American poet was brought back from Italy to the US in a cage in 1945?

6 Which poet married another poet and died by her own hand in 1963?

7 " To err is human: to forgive divine." Who wrote it?

8 Which Bennett daughter married Bingley - Kitty, Mary, Jane, Lydia, Elizabeth or Penny?

9 With which London based poet did Groucho Marx correspond?

10 Who wrote The Twits?

Answers here.


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