Saturday, May 05, 2007

[lucia celeste molina sierra] and those pesky immigration laws

Velkomin, Lucia Celeste Molina Sierra

You remember, of course, that matter I rushed to you some time ago, about the Minister's son's girlfriend? Well, there've been startling developments:

Gudjón Ólafur Jónsson, an MP and a member of the parliament’s General Committee, announced yesterday that neither he nor other members of the committee had been pressured to grant Icelandic citizenship to a Central American woman, whose boyfriend’s mother is Jónína Bjartmarz, Iceland’s Minister for the Environment.

“I was very lucky and I know that I can become a good Icelandic citizen because I am educated and hard-working,” Lucia Celeste Molina Sierra, the woman in question told Sirkus, a Fréttabladid supplement.

That's lovely, Lucy and this ongoing pesky controversy must seem a trifle provincial to you, I suppose. And with a fabulous name like yours, I should think they would have granted you citizenship straight away. However, there'll always be sticklers for the law, I suppose and to them, we say:

En hver lak þessu máli? Þar er einn líklegastur og það er Guðjón Ólafur. Hann er líkleg búinn að reikna dæmið þannig að eftir kosningar þá verði Jón ekki lengi formaður. Þá standa eftir forystumenn í Rvk hann og JB, þetta mál veikir Jónínu verulega.
Hope that clears the matter up, for once and for all. Now, in other cutting edge news from Iceland:

The Capital Region Police were called to the pond in central Reykjavík on Wednesday evening to attend to a man spotted swimming. When the police arrived he had made it to dry land.

According to Fréttabladid, the man turned out to be a Japanese tourist who could not explain his behavior due to drunkenness. It is unclear whether he jumped or fell into the pond.

Police also attended to two other men Wednesday evening who were so drunk they had to be taken to the police station to sober up.

Rivetting. simply rivetting.

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