Thursday, April 19, 2007

[worstall watch] one worstallism a day examined

An exciting new series where one blogger is put under the microscope all week and one post is examined each day. Then another victim is selected and so on. First up - the Portugese Practitioner of Prose* on gender pay equality:

Err, helloo? If you leave one job for another, you are, presumably, doing so because that second job is more desirable. It might be location, or vacation, but who doubts that it's usually about more money?

So, the fact that men move jobs more often to go to other ones is actually one of the explanations for the gender pay gap, not something to be equated with taking a several year career break to have children. No?

The corollary presumably being that it's the onwards and upwards man who pushes the salary above the base level of the woman. At least, that's my reading of it. What you think yourself?

* Of course Tim would point out that he's not, in fact, Portugese but how else could I get the alliteration working?

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