Friday, March 16, 2007

[blogspot dot com] track them down and exterminate

I am angry, seriously angry, as in KILL angry. would have to be the worst programme/host/server, what ever you wish to call the cursed thing, which I have ever, ever, had the misfortune to have to deal with nad the idiots at the top the most incompetent set of prats ever to know nothing about programming whatsoever.

This morning I tried to post one post. Just one. It wouldn't let me even see the dashboard until I bombed it thirteen or fourteen times from different directions with clicks, closed it all, came back in, closed it, came back in, went out of the internet and back, did it all again and so on.

The bar graph thing which shows percentage loaded would shoot up to 50% and just stick there. Once I went to have a bath and a coffee, came back 20 minutes later and it was still stuck. After an hour and ten minutes, it finally let me post the Blogpower post but get this - it wiped out four of the links, including the Westminster Wisdom link, which made my stranded post nonsensical.

So just for that, Blogspot - Westminster Wisdom, Westminster Wisdom, Westminster Wisdom, Westminster Wisdom. There - let's see you try to wipe all those out, you bstds!!

Am I hot under the collar? Not at all - cool as a cucumber - not. Blogging is fun? Blogspot dot bloody com doesn't know the meaning of the word. I'm crazy, crazy to stay with these incompetents.

There, I feel much better now. Thank you. I'm off to see Dr. Michelle Tempest if she can find the time to fit me in.

1 comment:

  1. Talking of fun with software- you've just sent my technorati profile crazy- I've never been linked to four times in the same post. I know what you mean there was a point when I couldn't access mine this afternoon and I was a little upset- it did mean I got some work done which is a compensation. I'll post about delicious and digg it on blogpower they aren't very difficult and they are pretty generic so everyone can use them.


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