Sunday, February 11, 2007

[cricket] need any more be said


  1. Yes, more DOES need to be said, as it happens. There is never any harm, I find, in talking at great length about cricket. Especially when England do something miraculous and beautiful - I have been reminding my catatonic girlfriend of this fact, strangely enough, for the last few hours and days.

    Anyway, I've snuck in here under an assumed name - lest I be accused of trawling for business - to tell you how very delighted I was to find myself on your blogroll today. It just made me skip with glee.

    And I am very sorry for seeming to ignore you as you arrived in my own blog to tell me - but the whole point of the latest post is that I keep my filthy big mouth shout. I am losing a very ferocious internal battle with self-restraint at the minute - and may very well be able to greet you soon.

    In the meantime, I didn't want you thinking I was just a rude and ungrateful swine. I am hopeful you know who the hell I am and what in the name of all that is holy I am going on about here.

    If not, my anonymity should spare my blushes.

    Thanks again. A perfect Sunday looms.

    Kind regards etc....

  2. It was about bloody time wasn't it.

    By the way, what on earth is gratefully weeping talking about? Weird!

  3. No, not weird - it's an inside thing and I know and appreciate his comments. Thanks to you other two gents as well.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.