Tuesday, February 06, 2007

[2012] are you planning to be at the olympics

There seems to be complete myopia as to what is going down. Can’t we join the dots on the picture? Why is it so difficult? Outside Story refers to it:

The government is considering allowing armed US and Israeli police at the Olympics to protect their athletes from Islamic terrorists. They are also considering using the army to assist.

Using the army. The British Army. 2012. Meanwhile - destruction of the criminal justice system. Prisons crisis. NHS breakdown. ID cards. Four years ago I wrote to my friend in America:

It’s the old dialectic. Foment a crisis, sit back and allow it to fester until the public cries out: “Enough!” Relax vigilance via a series of bureaucratic errors, thus enabling an atrocity. Announce sweeping Draconian measures to take on the “hidden enemy” and re-order society as you wish it. The hidden enemy disappears, the public are grateful. You have what you were always after in the first place. The oldest trick in the book in democracies.

And while we're at it, an interesting post on the triumvirate.


  1. God, is it worth having the Olympics if we have to take such measures? Interesting what you wrote to your friend and an interesting link, too, James.

  2. Perhaps they can do a test run when Israel plays England at the new Wembley later this year.

  3. WCL - one wonders.

    Jeremy - that will indeed be an interesting one to look out for.


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