Friday, January 05, 2007

[pres 2008] layman's view of the runners

One who won't be running


Matt Frei
comparing Obama with JFK.

So, can he win? Can he raise the cash? Can he survive the rough and tumble of the campaign and the tough questions? Will the colour of his skin not count against him? Can he be convincing about security in the middle of an ongoing war? Can he survive the fickle adulation of the media? If the answer to all the above is yes, Barack Hussein Obama will be the 44th president of the United States… as strange as that may sound.”

Against that, he's still unknown in too many places, he hasn't a heavyweight team behind him, he's black.

The Lizard Queen: Immense experience, sympathy over Lewinsky, seems to have done well as Senator, sizable section of the populace love her, she's a woman. Plus she says the Obama threat will 'diminish' and the people who are in with her would know. Against that, McCain would beat her, millions hate her, many don't trust her.

The Democratic darkhorse at present is
Tom Vilsack. Early days but looks quite reasonable and might be selected in reaction against the other two.


McCain’s age [72] and wishywashiness is against him, he's not liked by conservatives but he would beat the Lizard Queen in a head to head.

Giuliani is too soft on abortion, too far left for most but for him is 911 and laura norder. The main problem for Giuliani is that the average voter who elected him mayor in 1993 and 1997 is very different than the average voter who will pick the Republican nominee in 2008.

There seems to be an opening here for a Great Hope to appear but most would probably be in training for 2012, just before the New World Order.


  1. James, who knows who'll occupy the Oval office in 2008.

    I think we should turn our atention to Messrs Brown. Blair and others. That's a story that's got a very long way to run.

    BTW, I've memed you here

  2. I think Obama, despite his fresh appearance, has two big things working against him.

    1) He's African-American. Those good ol' boys down in the southern states can talk all they want about how racism doesn't exist anymore, but we know that's not true. If you question this, take a look at the recent November elections involving Harold Ford Jr. who was running for Senate in Tennessee - blatant ads ran on television making race an issue...specifically, the issue of black/white sexual relations.

    2) you alluded to it briefly, but I think it deserves more notice - Obama's middle name - Hussein.
    Just wait for that one to get out...

    Good synopsis on the front-runners, though I usually find that the front runners never make it. Bill Clinton was unheard of at this time in 1991 and the idea of Bush Jr. in 1999 was laughable (still is).


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