Wednesday, January 17, 2007

[doomsday clock] now set forward two minutes

This blog believes many things but it doesn’t believe one can predict the end of the world. Too many times doomsday devotees have made the prediction and too many times the fatal day has then passed.
It’s also written in scripture that it’s impossible to predict, so why bother? On the other hand, this particular clock is maintained by the world’s premier scientists:

The minute hand of the Doomsday Clock has been moved closer to the fatal midnight hour to reflect the growing concerns of global terrorism, the unchecked nuclear ambitions of Iran and North Korea and - in a first - the threat of climate change.

The clock was first set 60 years ago by an elite group of nuclear scientists at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, shortly after the United States dropped its atomic bombs on Japan. The clock, which hangs in the University of Chicago, has been set at seven minutes to midnight since 2002. It was moved Wednesday to five minutes before the hour.

Seems to be something to keep at the back of the mind, not that there’s a lot we can do. Also, it seems a tadge political to me. However, there’s no doubt we’re now in perilous times.


  1. I am so underwhlemed by the constant attempts to tell us how all under threat we are.

    By comparison to recent times, such as the 60's and 80's we are unbelivably safe and have made great stides.

    Less people live in fear and poveryt, the economy is much stronger and climate change is a threat of a different magnitude to nuclear annihilation.

    However, it suits governments everywhere to have us all scared and needing their kindly help....

  2. Yes it does and the corollary is? What is their agenda? Why do they want us scared? To implement what? What for? And why now?

  3. I'm not scared James. We have very high winds today and fallen trees, is that a sign?

  4. they jsut want us to trust them and keep voting them in. They like their gravy train and gauranteed pensions.

  5. When the USAF bombs the Iranian nuclear facility will the clock be put back?


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