Saturday, January 06, 2007

[blogfocus saturday] ranting - how far can one go [part 1]

The theme this evening [and I’m posting early because I’m ill and heading off to bed after this] is ‘Ranting – just how far can one go’. Most of the contributions below are from gifted amateurs but on Tuesday some real professionals at this art form will hit the field for a workout, to round out the theme. Let’s start this evening with one of the pros who’s still in second gear here but I’m sure he’ll open up soon enough in the coming days.

1] I don’t know this man. He doesn’t know me. But in his short time back at the helm, he shows he’s an old hand at the art of the rant and it seems a great many people welcomed the return of the Prodigal Son. Here are two of them. I shan’t name him but I sure like the way he writes:

Moral relativist par excellence, author A S Byatt has long been devoid of any beliefs - moral or otherwise - as was made clear in a November Independent interview: In a nutshell, my philosophy is this: Never stop paying attention to things. Never make your mind up finally. Do not hold beliefs.

As a believer that moral certainties do in fact exist, and that to believe in them is laudable, I'm heartened by the
revelation in the pages of today's Indy that Ms. Byatt has - at 70 - acquired her first fundamental moral principle, having made up her mind finally that capital punishment is wrong (a view which I incidentally share).

It gets even better. Do go and have a look but of course, you have already, haven’t you?

2] ‘Phoneyness in contemporary culture’ is his tagline and Fabian gets stuck into one of the phoniest of the lot:

God, I am so sick of PMI - postmodern "irony". If well done, it is captivating and amusing for about ten minutes, after that it starts to have the grating quality of squeaky chalk. The term "irony" is, in any case, one of the worst abuses of the English language of all time. 95% of the time when it is used, what is really meant is "mockery".

BBC drama productions seem to have a particular line in PMI. It's as if all BBC producers are nowadays required to attend some training course called "How to ensure all topics and themes are treated with sufficient nudge-nudge, we-are-so-past-this knowingness".

3] With a headline like: Sex Bomb Pussy Cat Crazy No More, the eye would naturally turn to this piece by the Spicy Cauldron but does it qualify as a rant?

Miss Drusilla Barbarella, our latest feline family member, goes this morning to the vet’s to be neutered and ID chipped. She’s still in full heat even though it’s nearly two weeks since she started with the weeping and the wailing on Christmas Day.

ID chipped? First the felines, then us, would you think?

Eleven more bloggers plus the Mystery Blogger here.

1 comment:

  1. A very enjoyable round-up, James. You are so thorough - I don't know where you find the time and energy, especially when you're feeling under the weather. Thank you for all your hard work.


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