Wednesday, January 03, 2007

[anna and liz] vital questions in the wee hours

Thought this was cute until I saw at what time they were posting:

Anna said...

When is twelfth night? And why is there an 'f' in twelfth? 2:30 AM

Liz said...

January 6th. Because there's a V in twelve. 4:45 AM

Anna said...

I know there's a V in twelve, but that still doesn't make sense. January 6th - Saturday? Yuck. I hate taking down the decorations. Is Harvey using his ramp yet? 5:15 AM

Now I’d like to meet these two girls.


  1. Or should I say, like mother, like daughter?

  2. Really? Now this is becoming more than intriguing. Anna's link gave a 'forbidden', so I assume she's the daughter.

  3. Forbidden? By whom? Why would that make you think she's the daughter?

  4. Maybe not forbidden but this is what it said:

    Profile Not Available

    The Blogger Profile you requested cannot be displayed. Many Blogger users have not yet elected to publicly share their Profile.

    If you're a Blogger user, we encourage you to enable access to your Profile.

    Now it doesn't worry me any but it's just interesting. Anna's link goes nowhere so I assume she's being protected. She could either be your mother or your daughter, with access only to members presimably.

    The reason I opt for daughter is the nature of the questions and the nature of the last comment. The one answering seems to do that with wisdom.

    How did I do?

  5. By the way, forgive me - I just love a good mystery. [See my later post on Mary Celeste.]


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.