Monday, December 18, 2006

[puzzled] where is everyone this evening

I wonder what’s going on? Came home just now and though it was a bit after peak hour, still – you’d expect some traffic on the roads but it was virtually empty and I went past only three road accidents – three! Hometime is usually good for five or six. Went to the shop to pick up groceries and usually this involves queues – empty.

Came home, checked my site stats and it’s the lowest number of visitors since my very first month. Am I missing something here? Do people not like the apocalyptic articles or women’s issues? Have I posted one too many embarrassing rants?

Well, the proverb I’ve always lived by is, “If you’re treading on thin ice, you might as well dance,” so what else but to follow this up with an uber-uber-rant and really go down in flames?


  1. Don't worry James you are not alone, keep on ranting.

  2. Yes, please keep ranting, dear James! It's probably just Christmas....

  3. Au contraire, James, I've been on the edge of my blogseat all evening, waiting for your posts.

    I've always meant to ask you as you've hinted on this but never explained - what do you make of the ufo thing then? anything in it? Conspiracy? beautiful exchange with extraterrestrials? load of dingo's kidneys?

  4. Yes, we all feel the same, it is Xmas, glad it's not just me.

    Please tell the tin drummer I have tried to post a comment on his site, but without luck.

    I am watching the most wonderful drama set in India, wonderful scenery, as well as dipping into my study books, so au revoir for now, back tomorrow.

  5. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for the encouragement. Ellee, yes I did inform TD. Sorry to take so long to get here to comment.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.