Saturday, December 16, 2006

[confidence] is this what women want the most

Sam Brett has raised an interesting one:

British studies reckon tall men and thin women are more attractive; the Germans assert redheads are better in the sack; the Americans deem geeks, nerds and smart men have what it takes, and blogger Mr Ben Darcy (along with 500 of you) suggest it's a good sense of humour (GSOH) that gets us going.

True, when it comes to being attracted to someone, everyone has their own personal preferences, checklists and no-nos. Yet after months of deliberating, debating, arguing and occasionally agreeing on
Sam and the City, one common denominator has emerged: having confidence is damn sexy ...

Quick check of an official sort of site which deals with this sort of thing and “Vanessa” gives this list of what’s attractive in a man. After “looks”, she adds:

# you've got personality
# look good, smell better
# musical rhythm
# not so much size but how it’s used
# resisting a woman
# taking initiative
# you know what to do

Don’t think this needs further explanation. Delving into the treasure trove of saved and categorized pieces stored since the dawn of time, I found this, by “Dana Peach” [no link, sorry]:

I am now going to reveal to you what women want, have always wanted and will always be looking for in any man with whom they become intimate. It is a "Trump" attribute, which means that its presence is a more powerful influence than others and can tip the scales of emotional acceptance in your favor immediately. Confidence simply says: "I can deal with it... somehow... well at least I'll do my best". The attitude of confidence doesn't even have to be constant, just generally present in the face of most life challenges.

From what I find over here, I’d like to add one or two criteria. Confidence is one thing but if it’s misplaced, if you don’t ‘bring home the bacon’ which your demeanour leads the woman to expect from you, you’re nowhere. It’s more the feeling she gets that you can come through in any situation, at least it seems that way to me. Not giving a toss is part of it all and might help explain the ‘bad boy syndrome’ with women. You’d have to add genuineness, not caring for conventions and a shy smile somewhere in there as well.

What do you think?


  1. Well, I think it's "savoir-faire" that's attractive in a man - appearing confident in social situations but it's also about noticing when you've had your hair done, are wearing something new, etc. And I used to call myself a feminist! I'm a disaster with men, anyway! [Pick what my grandma would have called "wrong 'uns", you see.]

  2. You don't seem to do too badly round where you live though, from the pics.


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