Saturday, December 02, 2006

[blogfocus saturday] creative initiatives

As the title suggests, this Blogfocus concerns those with a new, novel, creative initiative or way of looking at a particular issue which has not been done a thousand times before. Hope you enjoy it.

Bryan Appleyard specializes in extra-terrestrial explanations for the origins of life and this is no exception:
Panspermia - the theory that life on earth was seeded from space - finds support from the discovery of hollow spheres in meteorites. These could have rained organic molecules onto the surface and got the whole show on the road. In fact, panspermia does not seem to explain very much, but it's a theory of which I have always been fond. To my mind, it implies that we are the alien invaders of earth, which is exactly what it feels like early in the morning on the Norfolk saltmarshes. Atmospheric.


The similarly atmospheric look of Outside Story’s blog does not prepare us for his piece on the CBI: Wat Tyler’s summing up of the CBI: If the first rule of journalism is "never let the facts get in the way of a good story" then the first rule of think tank economists must be "never let the sums get in the way of a good idea". Unfortunately Wat has
done just that and found the Citizens Basic Income (a version of Friedman's negative income tax) comes up short.

He then offers some food for thought: Perhaps there is some way of cutting benefits in half and scrapping council tax altogether. This would be an obvious administrative saving because the two activities would cancel each other out - so the government would be doing nothing at all. It's something to think about at least.

Another 12 bloggers here


  1. Thanks very much, but In all modesty I don't think my post was worthy of entry in this particular blogfocus. There was nothing "novel" or "creative" about it.

    Everything I wrote that was not an anti-Cameron rant has been conventional liberal wisdom since the 18th Century. Sincere thanks for the exposure. I value your opinion. But it's really sad if stuff that was conventional wisdom has become "novel".

  2. That may be so, Tom. May I use the word 'refreshing' instead?

  3. It's your blog, James. Of course you may! Thanks and keep up the good work. I enjoy browsing your selections.

    I am off to India for a few days on business, so facing a difficult decision on what to wear. What works for the trip from Moscow to the airport is going to look pretty weird when leaving the plane in Bombay!

  4. In these situations, Tom, I generally wear the lightest possible and get the car from door to airport. The Min tells me when he was in Tehran last week it was 12 degrees but India, of course, is different. Do you operate on a 'layer system'? One thin layer over another over another? Good luck.

  5. Thanks James. You have made me realised quite how much I whinge in my posts. I was all set to write a big post today but then thought - blimey, I'm whinging again.

  6. James thanks for including my piece. I think you are right too about my blog. Time to upgrade to a more suitable template.

    just need to get back to the Uk for a few weeks first,....



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