Sunday, November 05, 2006

[prejudice] sometimes there’s a grain of truth …

I have never held with the PC blanket ban on prejudice. Quite often, there is indeed some basis for it, if perhaps the reaction leaves something to be desired. Bryan Appleyard tells it as he sees it and I for one appreciate that. He states: At the London School of Economics, Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist, is in trouble over his conclusion that low IQ, not poverty or disease, is the primary cause of Africa's problems. In Ethiopia, for example, the average IQ is 63 and life expectancies are in the mid-forties. People are upset about this because it seems racist. Bryan concludes: For, if Africa is locked in low IQ misery from which it can only be rescued by institutional and educational systems developed by the high IQ nations, then a new colonialism would seem to be the most rational and humane response. Now I don’t howl for BA’s blood here. I think we should think this through. Do read his piece and while you're at it, you might stumble over to this piece on prejudice as well.


  1. I think many would argue the validity of the IQ test and the inherent biases therein. The IQ test has largely been abandoned even in the developed world.

    I can't link to the story you talk about by I'm kind of speaking blind. Is there something wrong with the link?

  2. Link to Bryan worked fine for me just now but thanks for mentioning it.


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