Sunday, November 12, 2006

[norway] home of the paperclip and the mobile phone

A Norwegian Viking, Leif Ericson discovered America in about A.D. 1 000 (almost 500 years before Columbus A.D. 1492), Roald Amundsen was the first man on the South Pole (year 1911), it has the fourth largest shipping fleet in the world (after Greece, Japan and the USA) and one of the largest fishing industries (after Japan), it generates the most per capita hydroelectric power in the world, it has the second richest people in the world (only Swiss people are richer), the second highest number of mobile telephones in the world, 45% (only Finland lies higher with 48%), they invented the famous paperclip and skis. They're also very good at the Eurovision Song Contest. Norway.


  1. And the most expensive place in the world?

    Easy place to steal paintings from Museums too?

  2. The food is dreadful though, all the same colour and more or less the same taste... or so it seemed

  3. Yes, you're right. We tried to buy a decent lunch snack and all we got was a sliver of fish on a cardboard piece of stale bread with an outrageous price. The only place we could eat was McDonalds. Cityunslicker - nice reference to the paintings issue.

  4. Yes indded, america is leading in all respects. Anyways, nice article. you can read a nice industry research blog at which i found i quite interesting.


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