Thursday, November 02, 2006

[insulin] don’t mess with the keys to good health

Insulin crystals

In 1996, the Zone diet was popularized through, amongst others, Joyce and Gene Daoust [Warton, Del Mar, CA]. The theory was that excessive carbos produce excess insulin, which in turn causes heart disease, hypertension, stroke, high blood cholesterol and triglycerides, and diabetes. The solution was to consume 40% carbos, 30% protein and 30% fat in each of five or six balanced meals over the course of one’s day. Dr. Phil Maffetone [3ba060$] added that perhaps half the population [including athletes ] was insulin resistant to some degree. There were some unresolved questions about this theory.

1 comment:

  1. Excercise was the only way to exorcise, or so I thought.

    But from my own 3-month test "Japanese diet" (fish twice a day and several varieties of seaweed) diet really does get rid of the body fat — unlike foolishly running on a machine that gives you bad knees — down 5 kilos and able to see the glimmerings of a washboard. Not bad for an old fart.

    It takes 5 months to get there though, according to one of the Praxiteles figures at the gym and he should know, having been chubbier than me before eating for a show — carbs definitely out.

    Sadly, after 3 months, I think the body is willing but the mind weak! I am desperate for a chip-butty.


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