Thursday, November 02, 2006

[defending the west] falling at the final hurdle

[ Photo of window in St Peter's Basilica]

Melanie Phillips, Minette Marrin, Johnathan Pearce and Tom Paine are hardly Christian apologists and yet look where they’ve independently found themselves. Melanie Phillips says: The crucial insight here is that only a strong indigenous faith has the capacity to resist Islamisation. That is why the collapse of Christianity in Britain and Europe and its steady replacement by secularisation is so catastrophic for the defence of the west. Read what the others have to say.


  1. As a lapsed Christian, devoid of belief but culturally molded in Christianity, I have to question some of this argument.

    I too think that when Muslims criticise some of our society's ills, they have a point. However the answer is not to fill the churches with Chavs, so as to reverse the breakdown of our society. Rather it is to destroy the arrogant establishment distaste for the very people whose lives they control.

    Put parents in control of education, and the basics will replace PC waffle.
    Make the police answerable to the public, not to 68 generation politicians.
    Most of all, stop subsidising, through welfare, the worst kinds of behaviour.

    The problem came when our leaders rejected their beliefs, and replaced them with marxist rubbish. Put back in the checks and balances and society would right itself.

  2. Although Saladin did his bit, Ghengis slipped in there and put a stop to things before Tamerlane and Suleiman took up the torch.

    The east in the form of China, Korea, and Japan presents a problem for radical religious encroachment; and China's moves in Xinjiang are a foretaste of what is to come.

    South America too is not a good importer of these ideas and the Philippines is fairly resistant.

    Islam, confined as it largely is to the Middle-East, Africa and Indonesia, will meet cultural resistance, not only religious resistance, if it seeks to export beyond these boundaries and will only find acceptance among the poor and easily exploited sections of society.

    Historically, governments have always been at war with the priests — the latter a vile group of self-serving curs if ever there was one. Monks and Franciscans excepted.


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