Saturday, November 11, 2006

[children] becoming cost prohibitive

The message is clear – don’t have children. Reuters reports that ‘the cost of bringing up children is rising even faster than house prices, with education going up over a quarter in the past year. The cost of kids has soared 28 percent in the past four years and 9 percent in the last year alone -- outstripping an 8 percent rise in UK property prices. Parents will fork out more than 180,000 pounds per child from birth to age 21 - equal to 8,500 pounds per year or 23.50 pounds per day -- the Liverpool Victoria's annual "cost of a child" survey says.’ You could always do as the Japs have done – provide baby flaps to deposit unneeded children. Or else rob a bank.


  1. You can't look at this as a financial equation. The sheer joy of being a mother is priceless - and worth every penny!

  2. Here Here Elle!!!
    This kind of talk is middle class bollocks. Who cares how much all of the childrearing stuff costs. Our children did not ask to be born. We just have to love them for what they are and support their goals and our ambitions for them to the extent that we can. How can it be sensible for everyone to go into debt to support our dreams for our children.

    James, one of your previous posts addressed the dangers of exactly this kind of debt trap. Why would you impoverish yourself and your children to give them what you think they need. Will they thank you? Economics 101 will tell you that everybody cannot have everything that they need. Why would you advocate this kind of greedy thinking.

  3. Colin, the tongue is firmly in the cheek, just as the learned gentleman who advocated selling Irish babies for food and the one who published, 'The shortest way with dissenters'.


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