Saturday, September 23, 2006

[charles] storm in an egg cup

According to Jeremy Paxman, Charles enjoys a boiled egg after a day's hunting but he is fussy about how long it is cooked. "If the Prince felt that number five was too runny, he could knock the top off number six or seven," Paxman told today's Guardian newspaper. "The story is not true," said a spokesman for Prince Charles. This is riveting stuff. Are you a FEE [fussy egg eater] or just a pleb? And just who’s lying to the public here? Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. James,

    It pains me enormously to say it, but I'm afraid that you are, without any shadow of a doubt and beyond any chance of appeal, a pleb.

    Eating a boiled egg, WITH A METAL SPOON? The horror!

    Only an implement made of bone will do justice to such an unimpeachable breakfast.



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