Tuesday, August 25, 2009

[predictable really] what do you say, mcb?

Should Sharia Law be allowed?

Yes - Muslims need a separate system to the inappropriate western law (1) 5%

No - those living in this country follow our laws (21) 95%

Under certain circumstances (0) 0%

Total Votes: 22

Should Muslim Schools be allowed?

Fine by me - Islam is just like any other religion. Everything must be equal. (0) 0%
No way - Muslim Schools are divisive hotbeds for discontent, other schools fine. (10) 71%

No special interest group schools. (4) 29%

Closely monitored by a government department, they might be all right.. (0) 0%

Total Votes: 14

It was only a tiny poll but the results should perhaps be heeded by the government.


  1. James,

    Governments no longer care about the people they supposedly represent, only their self-serving theories.
    Western civilization is under attack.

  2. It is not that Muslim schools should not be allowed, but Muslims. Is that cruel? Islam is cruel.

    But the question begs the problem. All government schools should be ended; only private schools should exist. The funding is a very simple matter. Giving up control is not. The control over nothing.

    It is the government school that will continue to deliver the mind that encourages its own destruction. They are no less a threat than the Muslim school. Ulitimately they are the same.

    A government entirely dependant on public opinion looks for some security in what that opinion should be, strives for the control of the forces that shape it, and is fearful of suffering the people to be educated in sentiments hostile to its institution--
    Lord Acton

  3. Winfred - they don't.

    Xlbrl - novel idea. I'm of the independent system ,as we prefer to call it.

  4. I should hope mine is not a novel idea--or even original--only because it is impossible. It is the only possible path to liberty and responsibility, and the only way to keep it.

    What is the independent system?

  5. Schools which are not state. They vary from the public schools [which are actually private and where I was ejukated] to some that are a bit wonky.

    Those teaching in those schools normally call them independent but state educated people tend to call them private. It's a good way to know where a person was educated.

  6. James I'm not sure that 14 counts as a statistical sample- I'm sure I could get 14 people who want the PM to be a druid!

    Have to say I agree with both of the main options on the schools poll- I'm against Muslim schools, and because of the way they function less against say Anglican schools.

    As to Xlibri- Muslims should not be allowed- so how are you going to manage that one, convert them all, not realistically going to happen any time soon or kill them all- I'm not sure what any religious group does in the West justifies mass extermination! Or we could just ethnically cleanse them- your choices seem to be unrealistic, Hitler or Milosevic! I reject all of them.

    As to private v public schooling- there are a myriad of arguments there and I'm not sure James would welcome his entire post being taken up with them. What do you do about children who can't find a place at private schools because they don't have the money or because there isn't a charity around to offer them a place for a start and there are many more questions after that. Do you just let them because they are poor remain ignorant of how to read and write?

  7. How did you spot that the Hit man and I were so close, Gracchi? Everybody loves to take a swipe at Dolfie. Mass extermination and so on. Except, you should have noticed, the Muslims. They often exalt him. Quite often. Never, and I mean never, a bad word. Might be an analogy you want to drop in this case.

    I don't advocate anything but what should be obvious. No more immigration of Muslims. When they are sent back to marry the first cousin, they can stay there.
    Deport all polygamists. And their families. End all welfare payments. Or accept your self-detruction without pointing fingers elsewhere. Muslims have no issues with mass extermination.

    There is no difficulty in ending all government schools other than what is the political. The real difficulty is found in making government schools less than horrible.

    A simple voucher system provides far more money than is necessary to provide exellent private schooling. I cannot speak to the UK, but in the US the average per pupil for government education camps is over $10K, far more than most private schools. The worse the schools, the greater the tab. Milwakee and New York City are 15K, D.C. is up to 26k.
    The math is easy no matter where we have been miseducated. There are tremendous amounts of money in "education", and it is not found in the teachers paycheck. That is the nature of the State. We love the State. Who would take care of the poor and the unfortunate better than the State? They must love them to make so many of them in the only wealthy century in human history.

    We think to hard and trust human enginuity in liberty too little.

  8. Education of Muslim Children
    Muslim community is a part and parcel of the British society paying taxes like any other law-abiding citizen of the United Kingdom. According to the Education Act of 1944, the children should be educated according to the needs and demands of the parents. The Muslim community was not satisfied, therefore, they decided to set up Muslim schools and not faith based schools. The number of Muslim children is on the increase due to high birth rate, immigration and conversion. Those state and church schools where Muslim pupils are in majority should be designaated as Muslim community schools.

    The Muslim schools follow National Curriculum along with Islamic studies and Islamic History based on The Holly Quran and Sunnah. There is no place for Comparative Religion and European Languages. English will be the medium of instruction because it is an economic and social language for communication in the global village. Special attention will be given to its teaching right from Nursery level by qualified British educated teachers, but Arabic, Urdu and other community languages and Islamic studies will be taught by qualified Muslim teachers from abroad. Arabic, Urdu and other community languages will be taught as religious, social and emotional languages, so that the Muslim children do not find themselves cut off from their cultural roots. It will help them to develop Islamic Identity crucial for mental, emotional and personality development.

    One of the greatest British philosophers Sir Bernard Shaw once said that the future religion of the West would be Islam. The conversion rate in Europe and America clearly indicates that his prediction is cent percent true. The new converts to Islam are reluctant to send their children to secular or faith based schools. Mr.Yousuf Islam formally Cat Steven Started a Muslim school so that his children could attend. The state schools have been mis-educating and de-educating Muslim children for the last 50 years. Majority of them leaves schools with low grades and unemployment is on the increase. Drug addiction, problems of run away girls and under age pregnancy is the fruits of the British education system.

    The Muslim community has been passing through a phase of fourth Crusades. The battleground is the field of education, where the young generation will be educated properly with the Holly Quran in one hand and Sciences in other hand to serve the British society and the world at large. A true Muslim is a citizen of the world, which has become a small global village. We are going to prepare our youth to achieve that objective in the long run. A true Muslim believes in Prophet Moses and the Prophet Jesus and without them one cannot be a Muslim. My suggestion is that in all state, independent and Christian based school special attention should be given to the teaching of Comparative Religion and Islam should be taught by qualified Muslim Teachers to make the children aware the closeness of Islam to Christianity and Judaism which will help them to think about Islam, as “A Pragmatic and Modern Way of Life,” during their life time.
    Ifikhar Ahmad


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