Thursday, June 18, 2009

[an ordinary person] a plea

Oh nice. Could almost be in Britain:

Take a breath. Listen to the people. Let's just slow down and get some input from some nonpoliticians on the subject. Stop making everything an emergency. Stop speed reading our bills into law. I am not an activist. I am not a community organizer. Nor am I a terrorist, a militant or a violent person. I am a parent and a grandparent. I work. I'm busy. I'm busy. I am busy, and I am tired. I thought we elected competent people to take care of the business of government so that we could work, raise our families, pay our bills, have a little recreation, complain about taxes, endure our hardships, pursue our personal goals, cut our lawn, wash our cars on the weekends and be responsible contributing members of society and teach our children to be the same all while living in the home of the free and land of the brave.
H/T Bag, wherever he is.


  1. Saw Glenn Beck read that outloud yesterday on the air, it was pretty moving. There's gonna be another set of tea parties set for July 4th. Man, the government is going to get clobbered come 2010.

  2. I fear they see it coming, Matt. Nice if it were so though.


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