Wednesday, December 01, 2021

A different way to live

Wednesday [7 to 11]

More of the same.

11.  The organisers of the protest

... against the hard left boycott of Kyle R ... in other words, the conservatives, said this about the upcoming rally:
Please be respectful and do not engage with the opposition.
I have a challenge for libertarians here.  If you're for personal freedom and ethics as the dissident antiWokists [we] are, then do you align with the out of control, deplatforming left in these things and try to disrupt and wreck ... or do you act as the dissident right do, whom the left say are not for freedom?  We're just racists and haters, aren't we, according to their lexicon?

Which group would you say are for freedom within the rule of law?

10.  Well of course

Seen in passing in Gab news:

Wednesday [1 to 6]

Morning, all.  Friday's coming.

6.  PD

Ooops! What a mistaka to maka!

5.  Steve

a.  Rittenhouse:

Kyle Rittenhouse is No Longer a Student at ASU After Unhinged Students Issue List of Demands Calling For Him to Be Kicked Out of School

b.  The Donald:

Tuesday, November 30, 2021


Switch off your TV and radio now ... for a year

Not going to run numbers on this one, just tell the tale.

First through was from Rossa's mother:

Even if you don't buy that she said that, just look at the sign behind her as she talks.  What is she - a millennial?  Telling a country, a nation what to do in their own homes? My anger is not with her, the clown, it's whoever gave her the idea that this was all right.  And that includes voters and the compliant.
