Monday, January 18, 2021



Still working out this very difficult way to post and edit they've inflicted on us for no good reason - it's rubbish compared to what we had.  Things will get more normal - The New Normal - as we go along but it's going to take a while to get back to Chuckles's level. Patience, dear reader.

Moderation is working so far, might go to captcha during night time shut-eye, moderation back on after waking. Downside so far is no 'recent comments' gadget, no 'recent posts gadget'.  I understand why - it's a portal for naughty bots but bleedin' annoying for you and for me. Also, I don't like commentcount below post, not above. Way around it is always put in 'Read More'.


Sunday, January 17, 2021

When all other means fail

Blonde has reappeared after having a baby, with some lawyer and his angle is that if the unthinkable happens in two days and there was no plan after all, then the next steps need to be started:

Next steps, in his view, involve secession and while he makes some good points about how touting the constitution has got America precisely nowhere because the miscreants, at best, simply flout it for their own ends, culminating, I’d add, in this shameful spectacle in DC in two days, then the entire system is very much in question.

This is a very dangerous game for anyone to be playing, for a criminal organisation has now gone public, showing how they flout every principle and rule in order to overthrow the US of A.  Not for li’l ole me here to trot out again what the Founding Fathers were about, how it was hijacked, corrupted, at inception and at stages along the way, e.g. Dixie and the Bank of the USA, e.g. the Roosevelt T anti-Trust acts.

This blog is once more nourishing obscurity

It's with great sadness that I must announce again that the silent partner in nourishing obscurity and its techie, Chuckles, died of a heart attack on January 5th.  Since that time, NOUK has been on borrowed time, regulars have known that and I hope you will continue with us here.  

We’ll moot different ideas over the next months but for now, we’re going with comment moderation, which is on, we’ll run that for awhile.  First comments are already up, I get pings when someone comments.

I’d say it might not be wise to go to NOUK for now - I left a farewell, this address and switched off comments, plus logged out.

So here we are and welcome.  Developments in how this blog will now run - the nuts and bolts minutiae, will appear and be added to below the Read More line.

Thursday, July 02, 2020

Woke capitalism

 The theme of this topic at Ammodotcom is in the url:

... but they’re quick to add:

This isn’t to say that there is a massive Gramscian conspiracy with thousands of members. Such a thing would be completely impossible to prove or disprove. However, the kernel of the idea has taken root, in part thanks to bona fide promotion in academia, and in part because it simply seems to have largely been a successful operation.

Yes and no.  There is most certainly a huge push by the UN and EU and it has certain ideas embedded - one is the replacement of Europeans in Europe [remember, the above was written by an American so he's not completely au fait with this, though he has his own illegals issue over there], another is depopulation of those very non-Caucasians being herded in, plus the elderly, plus any other non-Aryan unproductives in their eyes, plus the corruption and sexual enslavement of children and I don't just mean the paedo cabal - I mean the twisting of kids' values in schools and colleges, plus the breakdown in parenting.

Thursday, June 25, 2020


Thursday too, with items 9 onwards, is now here:

8.  From Rossa's mother

It's an article from a Bank of Oklahoma attendee:

1. BOK Center holds at least 19,000. The area outside the convention center set up by the Secret Service and Tulsa PD had a U-shaped squeeze shoot to funnel the crowd down to an area about. 50 feet wide and 600 feet long with an outdoor stage adjacent to the BOK entrance.Trump was supposed to be able to speak to the overflow group from this stage.

2. Entry to the “Secure Area” NOT the BOK center was about 5 blocks away where you had to pass “screeners” who took your temperature, made you put on a face mask and gave you a green band to proceed to Secret Service Security.

3. If the temperature screeners left their post- the entire entry to the BOK Trump rally was shut down.

4. And that is EXACTLY what happened today about an hour after we got through security.

It's only words

Via haiku

Merriam-Webster, the venerable dictionary publisher, announced two weeks ago that it would update its definition of the word "racism" in response to a request by a 22-year-old woman from Missouri.

But company officials hastened to say that they would do so in line with their long-standing commitment to political neutrality and to the "real-world usage of a word," rather than trying to "promote any particular viewpoint". In other words, there would be no slant, no bias, no subtle editorialising in the revised definition.

That's what Merriam-Webster is trying for with all the words in its dictionary. But it's not always easy. Going back centuries, there have been disputes about bias in dictionary definitions. And in today's politicised world - where the recent trending words in Merriam-Webster online searches have included "fascism," "antifa," "loot," "defund," "no quarter," "white supremacist," "curfew" and "anarchy" - how could the company not feel battered, like the rest of us, by the bitter differences of opinion that divide the country?