Saturday, August 29, 2009

[argentinian bloggette] do they know about hat tipping in buenos aires

Argentinian bloggette ** Superchic has this:

A continuación copio el resultado de una encuesta que se realizó en un blog ( no argentino) sobre algunas mujeres over 40. Por favor, leer bien la lista, miren quien aparece con 2 votos!

That's rather interesting because I seem to recall this post as well on sexiest women over 43. Should I be flattered or flattened?

** Cherie reports virus alert for the Superchic site, so I've removed the link.

[late evening listening] arranging life in its correct order

Women make us men look really shallow and they always occupy the high moral ground. We don't arrange it all in our minds the way they do. We don't dwell on every aspect, prioritizing them and reordering them in response to any new nuance. Women read things into our actions which are simply not there, they hear things in our intonation and in our little pregnant silences which speak volumes to them but not to us.

I always feel so inferior talking with a woman because she watches you and takes in every gesture, every hesitation. Don't get me wrong, I can think, I can feel, I can express my feelings but I don't think things through to the nth degree like women. I'm more likely to say, "Right, do we have an agreement then?" and she'll reply, "What did you mean by looking that way when you asked, 'Do we have an agreement then?'?"

They don't care more than us or less than us - we care long after it's over and they've moved on but they are more intense when together. We're more intense when we're away from them, if we love them. We can paint pictures with words and caress them with them and we can gaze at them intensely so that they blush but they know better if we mean it or not.

This is more like us:

[silent saturday] what lurks

[early evening overture] kiss and don't tell

You know, they're not too bad after all and that Paul Stanley - wow:

[saturday country quiz] bumper edition

We haven't had a country quiz for a long while. Try these:

1. In the north is the driest place on Earth, the Atacama Desert, the Mapuche played a major part in its history, politically unstable, Nixon sent operatives in there, people suffered under the Caravan of Death, one of the widest income disparities in the world.

2. At one stage some 17,000 sq mi (44,030 sq km), after unification it became greatly reduced, it's a sacerdotal-elective-monarchical state, used to have a Quartermaster General and Master of the Horse and has the oldest active continuous diplomatic service in the world, dating back to at least AD 325.

3. Not now a country in its own right, it began with the establishment of Deira, 547AD though being more appropriate as the year of establishment, when Bernicia was brought in it became a kingdom, in 627AD, the King became a Christian through Paulinus.

4. Was there ever a country so abused by all? One of the world's oldest civilizations, it once included Mount Ararat, conquered by Greeks, Romans, Persians, Byzantines, Mongols, Arabs, Ottoman Turks, and Russians, there ahve been pogroms aplenty.

5. First inhabited by aborigines of Malayan descent, an island state, in 1999 its feisty neighbour conducted submarine warfare exercises and missile tests near the island, it joined the World Trade Organization in Jan. 2002.

6. Sitting on a fault line, most of the people live in the 7% of the island that is made up of fertile coastland, the Kalmar Union altered its sovereignty in 1397, it had the first female head of state and is known for the beauty of its women whose surnames end in dottir.

7. Dependent on the river running up its centre, one of the most famous nations on earth, the red land was always vital, it has the Khamaseen wind which blows from the south in spring, bringing sand and dust.


Chile, Vatican City, Northumbria [Northumberland scores you zero points], Armenia, Taiwan, Iceland, Egypt

[promiscuity] results in lower fertility

Apparently, Austrian males are the worst. Get over there, girls, if you want some disease.

Oh yes - like this one very much. Vox reports that Promiscuous women are less fit:

Less fit by the standards of natural selection, anyhow:

The following table shows the average number of children women have birthed by the number of male sexual partners they have had since the age of 18*. Like men, women who have had only one partner are the most fecund.

Whereas monogamous women who have only had one lifetime partner averages 2.29 children, the average US woman with nine partners averages 1.46 children.

Read it all.

Multiple partners say so much about the person doing it. Impaired social and emotional development, inability to take responsibility - it goes on.

Just to finish, I couldn't go past this headline:

Megan Fox Would Rather Kiss Girls

I don't know this Megan Fox from Eve but I can't fault her reasoning - I'd rather kiss girls too. By the way, any idea how I came across that news item? I was googling a certain group with a view to putting up a youtube for someone. Trouble is, I don't like the music. I'll try Iggy Pop.