Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Base Instincts - a story in three parts

Click on pic to zoom.

The text is up and each chapter can be accessed from the sidebar. The tricky bits, like links from text to pics and from chapter to chapter, still have to go in this week.

For those willing to take the plunge, hope you enjoy it.

And yes, that is her.

[english] transforming your grasp

The examples below are known, in the trade, as Key Word Transformations. Peruse the first line in each case, note the key word in bold on the second line and complete the third line, using no fewer than two and no more than five words.

Oh, one more rule – the key word may not be altered in any way. It must appear in the answer ‘as is’. ☺

1. It's unusual for Liya to be up at this time.
Liya …………………………at this time.

2. It's rare for the Minister to be in town.
The Minister ………………………… town.

3. Is leaving everything here really necessary?
Does everything…………………………here?

4. There's no need for you to finish the vegetables if you don't feel like it.
If you don't feel like it …………………………finish the vegetables.

5. There’s almost no doubt he’s not going to win.
great deal
There’s a …………………………he’s going to win.

Possible answers

is hardly ever, does not usually stay, really have to be left, great deal of doubt [that]

[the word] love it or loathe it, it will always be

Martin Kelly makes the following observation about the internet:

Without doubt, as a tool for the dissemination of ideas the Internet sits next only to the printing press in its potential; yet just as Chesterton, I think it was, wrote that the downside of the printing press was the explosion of the volume of dud philosophy that appeared in its wake, so too does the Internet have a downside.

It is to be found in the outcome of Operation Algebra.

It is, of course, people who do bad things, and not the tools they use to inflict harm; no home would ever get built without carpenters using hammers, yet in the wrong hands there are few more lethal weapons. Just as the Internet is potentially one of the greatest tools ever created by Man for the spreading of The Word, people of faith have to acknowledge that great evil operates in it as well. We cannot shy away from this, as much as we would sincerely like to.

The main thrust of Martin’s post is about Catholicism and schism. As a non-Catholic, as a died in the wool Protestant who can’t accept the intermediary role of the Bishop of Rome, I’m going to make this observation about the Catholic faith:

It’s a living faith.

When I was in Sicily, walking down the rocky terrain, daily, from my hilltop retreat to the main town, I’d see how the churches were open door, living community centres and people really did pay attention to the papal decrees, from lip service through to devotion, to the crosses on the walls of supermarkets. This community presence of the church is something the protestants had at one time before they began ignoring the Word and corruption set in – look at the anglican church in America, for example. Look at the moribund Church of England here.

This enables a modern-day Catholic, Martin, to say:

The real world is that of The Word. For the past 200 years, many of us have been trying to live without The Word. For the most part, our efforts have resulted in catastrophic failure, their fruits ideology, genocide, and the slavery of living from paycheck to paycheck. One day, we'll look back on this period in history and laugh.

The real world is that of The Word.

Hardly anyone in these faithless, sheeple days can see that. There is a simple devotion in that sentence, similar to the Americans’ devotion to the yoo ess of ay, towards their constitution and in these relativistic, PC times, that’s a breath of fresh air. To actually see someone abiding by a set of precepts is amazing in this day and age.

Look, you couldn’t mount any more stinging attack on the papacy and catholicism than I could - where would you like to start start - with the P2 Lodge and Calvi? With Cesare Borgia? Vatican II? The Jesuits? Then let me get going on the bloody Jewish Kabbalah and its Madonna accolytes.

Those things will always be present when dualistic satanism apes something monolithically but genuinely pro-good, such as the catholic church - pro-good in outlook, if not always in practice. Say what you like but without the U.S.A., freedom, libertarianism and democracy would, by now, be down the gurgler. Say what you like but without the catholic church, the Word would be a candle all but snuffed out.

It must be a source of constant irritation to the black nobility that the very country which is their citadel is also the engine room for the Christian message. I quite like that idea.

A beautiful allegory was the end of Matrix III, which many considered inferior to the mumbo-jumbo, new-ageist, first episode. Agent Smith and his clones, just as most people are also unwitting, mechanical agents of godless secularism and its inability to provide, leading inevitably to a sense of hopelessness and betrayal in its devotees who completely believed in the evolution and ultimate efficacy of machines as gods in their own right, along with god-free morality, only to be stymied at the last moment by the pesky and deeply annoying Real Power, Real Light, with its penchant for manifesting itself through weak and mortal man - just as Agent Smith and all the other misguided ones finally got theirs, so it is in the real world.

It’s David and Goliath, it’s Marvin the Paranoid Android and the huge battleship he opposed on the bridge between the two towers. It’s the real power, the metaphysical ‘soul’ if you like, present only as a hope in the heart, as a flickering candle in the Moriah wind. It’s the humble human spirit deep inside us. It will always win at the close of play, always … though it be seemingly down and out.

Good will triumph over evil for the simple reason that evil, though it make a huge racket in a tin can, wear fabulous costumes, sprout baseless, spiritually bereft, high sounding Nietzscheanism, issue countless missals, reports, think-tank recommendations and hold endless conferences and seminars for little result, appearing omnipotent, ubiquitous and invincible … is actually fundamentally flawed.

Look at the Soviet Union, look at the new UKSSR. For goodness sake – I go to the former Soviet Union twelve years, come back and find myself in the Soviet Union again. Look at non-President Obama’s brave new world he’s creating as the High Priest of the dark one – did you catch his first open attack on Christianity the other day?

Good and G-d are two very closely related words and admittedly, good isn’t exactly an exciting, rivetting concept - it just is.

I love the simple, primitive, superstitious faith of the pesky little people like myself because it annoys and sticks it up the temporal powers that be and exposes the twin gods of Science and Humanism [was there ever such a misnamed ‘ism’, having zero to do with the ultimate benefit of Mankind as a species] for the limited tools they are; it annoys the legions of rationalist disciples.

With their multi-trillion dollar technology, they still can’t snuff out an idea or get the world in order.

As Evie Nefertiti said, when the monster got his, courtesy of the spirit, at the end of The Mummy: ‘He’s mortal.’ Mortal means he can, theoretically at least, be defeated. We just need to find the way.

And as Jonesy said in Dad’s Army, concerning the mighty armies poised just across the English La Manche: ‘They don’t like it up ’em, they don’t, they don’t.’

As the hordes of socialists in the law, in the university professorships, at the top of the NHS, in the High Church, in Common Purpose, in key positions in education, await the inevitable coming together of the Grand Plan – lo, even in its implementation will be sewn the seeds of its defeat because it is fundamentally flawed and unsustainable.

Don’t get me wrong, one needs to also believe in the ability of technology to provide new solutions – just look at these ideas – there’s no point being a Luddite but to ignore the other, irrepressible, metaphysical side in implementing these excellent ideas is Tower of Babel all over again.

Why not combine the two and then you’re really cooking with gas?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

[wordless tuesday] no words

[propaganda] predators, women and the ahl

Finding myself in a town not far away, I’ve decided to post this today rather than wait until tomorrow because I’d prefer to concentrate on the book, visiting and any fallout tomorrow.

Let’s face it, from the nastiness of Saturday and yesterday [stalker posts and comments passim], it appears the anti-higham lobby [AHL], of whom Azrael is their chairman or high priest, is getting active again. Why now?

There’s a threefold goal, according to his message yesterday – to see me ejected from Bloghounds, to see me run out of the blogosphere in shame [or at least shunned by one and all] and to nail the woman I’ve been supporting [which I suspect might be the real purpose]. This woman we’re speaking of has shown me nothing but support and kindness and I have feelings for her.


This is the tenor of the reactions in my inbox so far:

‘I really don’t know why you’re giving this man a platform to make his wild accusations. You’d have been better off ignoring him.’

‘I don’t accept a word he says, I’m afraid, the man’s obviously unbalanced, I think I can make my own mind up ...’

‘James, what are you doing? XXXX by XXXX was thrown out of XXXX, he has no support except those who are so closely aligned to him that they have no choice but support him. Let it go, buddy.’

My friend also opined yesterday that they [the AHL] haven’t a hope in hell of touching her, she’s too hot for them and not even the police will support her stalker, so he chooses the soft target instead who doesn’t know how to go for the jugular.

I listened to these folks and see their point but the man did make specific accusations and these needed to be scotched once and for all. You see, there’s a new generation of readers now who didn’t see his destructive little game last year and it’s better they know whom they’re dealing with.

The people who sent those comments above are people of decency whom I don’t think fully understand the barrel scraping and gutter posting certain people are prepared to stoop to and so it did seem right to open up to the readers.

But this will certainly be the last post on the matter.


The problem for the AHL is that they’re shooting wide of the mark thus far … so it’s time I helped them out a bit.

Firstly, my trilogy [tomorrow] has enough hot stuff in there to scorch me from here to kingdom come, as I wrote yesterday. Secondly, I’m going to show them two areas [below] where they’re wasting their time. Thirdly, I’ll give them a hot tip as to where they should actually be looking.

In return, I reserve the right to really go to town on each of them, one by one, showing just what ‘butter wouldn’t melt’ people we’re dealing with here.


You’re not going to get anywhere with the university line, AHL, there are documents before the Bloghounds committee now and those august three know the lie of the land. One further ‘document’ is the above photo and my case rests on those girls’ eyes. No group of females of 22/23 is going to give that look to someone whom all the girls knew to be a serial-sleaze. Female universities are hotbeds of gossip, after all. And by the way, the camera belongs to the red-headed girl. I don’t own one.

The women, in their 50s, who run such universities in Russia are ex-Soviet Union and to hold such a position for twenty years in a place like that with over 1200 girls and about 120 boys, a Dean and her offsiders are definitely not naïve do-gooders [although they’re good people inside]. They’re very astute, canny operators, used to navigating through a minefield of government regulations, fiercely protecting the reputation of the university and doing anything for their students, their charges. Women in positions of responsibility in both Britain and the U.S.A. would know precisely the nature of these ladies and they don’t suffer either fools or charlatans gladly.

The bloggers who’ve met me

This is possibly a more fruitful line. I’ve met, face to face, four fellow bloggers since leaving Russia. Apart from one initial blogpost by JHL, none of those four would post anything on me and I’m sure as hell not going to post anything on them, except positively. JHL still posts on my blog, the other three are more than welcome to and all are visitors to this site, as I am to them. We’ve had our differences of opinion but I only have 22 words for these people: ‘Thank you for your many kindnesses, which I most certainly shall make up to you, as and when it becomes possible again.’

My ex-girlfriend

To the AHL, she’s the one you should be pursuing and in her are rich pickings for you.

There are plans afoot for her to come over in late August and visit me, so I envisage a bloggers get-together in a pub in a central location like, say, Droitwich Spa or Worcester, I’ll see if she’d be willing to come along and meet you and you can ask whatever you like [she speaks near-perfect English, with a slight accent].

To give a small pen-sketch as to the essential problem with her – she’s provocative and divisive.

When she walks into a room, two things happen. The women detest her and the men start thinking thoughts they’d prefer their wives not to know. You understand, there are women of the sisterhood who enjoy each other’s company and then there are men-oriented women.

She’s the latter.

Furthermore, she’s bad for the man she’s with because everyone then looks at him [she prefers the more mature kind] and wonders. Once, she and her mother went into a café called Giuseppe, on the tree-lined street called Kryemlovskaya [Kremlin Street], looking for me but I’d already left and when I returned, I asked the girls behind the counter, ‘Did a beautiful blondinka come in here not long ago with her mother? They’re both very thin.’

One of the girls shook her head but another said, ‘Two sisters were in here asking for you.’

I asked, ‘Was one of them wearing glasses?’


‘That was them,’ I answered. ‘Spasibo, dye’vushki.’

She’s cantankerous, capricious, always taking the opposite direction to wherever you want her to go, her ego’s the size of a planet but she’s also very, very shy in some ways and adores small animals and birds with broken wings whom she’ll take home and nurse back to health. At last count, I think there were six cats in that house.

If anyone hurts her, I’ll kill him. That’s the sort of loyalty she inspires in men and I’m still besotted by her, even now, as are a few others, I have to admit. She wrote to me not long ago, aching to see me again and vice-versa. One of the pics in the trilogy is actually a sketch of her.

So that’s where your best bet lies if you want to nail me because I plead absolutely guilty in advance and I’d love to see you try to handle her. 

Oh, one more thing. Once, she came to my university to meet up after work and I’ll never forget that scene in the foyer. I’d asked her to wait outside [it was early autumn] but she wasn’t having any of that – she never did as I asked. Now you’d understand that, with 900 girls of all shapes and sizes in that building, the local boys were always pressing to get in to meet them.

She walked in and how she got past the man on the door without a pass I still don’t know, she wasn’t even made up, that’s how confident she was and everyone turned and looked at her for about five seconds or watched form the corner of the eyes. I swear that was true.


So, off the pleasant topics and back to the nastiness. Joseph Goebbels learnt his propaganda techniques very well and invented one or two himself. The AHL have also learnt one or two tricks from Azrael and everyone concedes he’s a professional - one of the best in Britain, so he has a lot of people automatically accepting what he or they say.

I’d like to describe two of these techniques below, with your permission. Azrael himself describes it thus:

D---- calls me polished. Polished, because he knows me. Because he knows underneath that layer, I CAN be pretty cold booded and ruthless. Hey, I'm a salesman. Of COURSE I'm good. Think about it. Would a company pay me what they pay me if I wasn't????

Look, I'm good. Don't deny it. Damn good salesman. And I can't teach what I do. I can't. Of COURSE I have a strategy- the attack and lull strategy- but no matter how hard I try, no trainee can pick it up, you can either do what I do- you was born to do it- or you can't.

What wins is walking in thinking 'I'm going to close you down, mate. I'm going to cut off your options and you WILL do what I want.' I'm fairly blatant in my work. It;s WHY I'm the best. 'EVERYONE can be cozened or cowed, just pick your tool, but don't fuck up, because it really is, either or.'

Higham is the first to nod and concede – the man is good at what he does and he cuts a swathe through middle-aged women and young girls alike who have no defences, not to mention the men – not all men won’t have a bar of him.

That’s the sort of person we’re dealing with here.

The email technique

1. Decide whom you wish to close down, maybe someone who slighted you or someone who campaigned against you.

2. Check who’s your target’s most regular visitors and whom he counts on for support.

3. Start cozying up [to use his own word] to their blog, always be the first to come in with an intelligent, educated comment [women love that] and continue this for some time.

4. Somehow, email contact is made and it’s all very cozy and innocent for a while until he casually suggests they exchange phone numbers. he works best by voice and can better gauge the reaction at the other end of the line.

5. Now in a state of mutual ‘friendship’, he might ask, ‘What do you think of James?’ or some such. The blogger replies that James is OK, except maybe for this or that quirk. Our salesman jots that down and agrees that James is OK.

6. He writes to another blogger close to his target and says that Jane [let’s make up a name] is a bit worried about James doing this. he actually misrepresents what Jane said but not so far away that Jane would deny it. Jill [let’s make up another name], seeing the attestation of Jane as a mandate to herself open up, admits the thought had crossed her mind too about James.

7. When the dossier’s big enough [that’s what Azrael means by ‘accumulating evidence’], he now approaches all of them, saying things like, ‘You know, we really should do something about James.’

And so on. It’s a tried and trusted technique but you’d need to be a cold blooded, ruthless sociopath to use it.

Black is white technique

1. Take all the buzz words which have been used against you – sleaze, scumbag, sociopath, egotist, trouble-maker etc. – and write them all down. Also note the thrust of the allegations against you and internalize them in your mind.

2. Allow your natural tendency for denial full flourish and work yourself into a state where you truly believe you are the opposite of those things. It’s like method acting [De Niro and so on]. You can’t pull this off unless you can completely convince yourself that you are as pure as pure.

3. Now compose posts, emails and so on, projecting all of those things onto your object of hatred and dredging up any evidence you can from your dossiers in support of that [selected full emails, things the target might have written in posts etc.] and weave them into your narrative so that they appear to dovetail. It helps here if you’re not a bad writer. Azrael claims he is a far better writer than Higham, so that obviously qualifies him.

4. Act the innocent, for example, about phoning someone, claiming that she phoned you, not the other way round. It actually happened this way – he phoned, she phoned, he phoned, she phoned. Choose only the 2nd to 4th of those [with email support] and the impression given is entirely different to what the phone records say but hey, who checks phone records anyway? The punters you have in your pocket sure as hell don’t – they’ve already bought your story.

5. Now use the ‘little compliment’ technique on the women to sell them your version and with the men, you need to use the ‘hey, I’m a Brit like you, we’re men of the world’ approach, tailoring your manner to what you know will both please and convince the people you need to support you.

6. Knowing the target won’t let your comment stay in the comments section, email people copies and say, ‘This is what James didn’t want you to know.’ Climate of natural suspicion.

7. Send in your closest supporters to act as if they’re independent readers who have decided, on balance, to support Azrael and that ‘if readers knew what I know about James, you wouldn’t be supporting him’. They make vague references to the past.

8. Sit back and wait for the mutterings and murmurings to begin on blogposts all over the sphere, then act the injured innocent when you’re approached about ‘the truth of the matter’. Here you have to rely on the ‘damning with faint praise’ and ‘where there’s smoke, there’s fire’ technique and soon you have your result.

This is the heavy artillery.

These techniques are proven, they’ve been shown to work on the majority of punters who do not have their defences up. And who does have his/her defences up anyway? Azrael knows that most of you don’t really give a damn what Higham or anyone else does - your family, your work and you are the only focuses in your life, with perhaps a little blogging on the side.

So when he gets past your guard with his viper techniques, you never think you’ve been duped.

Some people though are in a line of business where they need to be awake to people like Azrael, e.g. insurance assessors, police. These people compare the demeanour of the target and compare it to the ‘too perfect’ technique of the predator and don’t buy his line.

They ask questions like, ‘Why would this Azrael suddenly pop up now? Why not earlier? Why would Higham react so savagely and at such length? What’s the most likely scenario here?’

The problem for the Azraels, Common Purposes and EUs of the world is that there really are astute people out there who can see through them. Azrael would answer that people can see through Higham, not the other way around but it was not Higham who dredged all this up again, was it? It was Azrael last week and on Saturday who reintroduced the trouble.

Higham himself was just trying to get on with his blogging at the time and will do so again as of tomorrow.

Whoa, you say – who’s going to invest that sort of time and effort for a largely unproductive result? The answer is - a psychopath who’s recently found himself a new job, now has the resources to do so, has infinite patience and a new goal in life.

[opera] elite test 2

To be a true member of Them, you’ll need to display an appreciation of opera. Supply the name of the composers from the initial letters:

1. Cosi fan tutte…..1790…..M
2. The Barber of Seville…..1816…..R
3. Aida…..1871…..V
4. Boris Godunov…..1874…..M
5. Carmen…..1875…..B


Mozart, Rossini, Verdi, Mussorgsky, Bizet