Monday, March 30, 2009

[thought for the day] the love of conflict

“Well,” said Mr Satterthwaite slowly, “you see, I've known a good many young men, and these emotional scenes upset them very much.

Women now, can go through a scene like that and feel positively better for it afterwards. It acts like a safety valve for them, steadies their nerves down and all that. But I can see this young man going away with his head in a whirl, sick and miserable …”

[anomalies] the pain of correcting them

We were discussing the ridiculous moment where the small craft is caught between James Bond's transport plane and the rocky terrain. It just wouldn't happen like that.

This is also the reason that the editing of my texts has been such a pain.

Example. There is a character, Hugh who made a promise to a woman, Genevieve and then she disappeared off the scene. Meanwhile, a second woman, Nicolette, who has a boyfriend in a town, Melun, south of Paris, has ideas about this Hugh. Genevieve returns and the only solution is to introduce her to the boyfriend in Melun [although other things come in to complicate this].

Trouble was, they all grew up in Melun and so the odds were they might know one another anyway. Also, the two women are best friends and so he would most likely have been mentioned quite often. So it's an unlikely scenario to have to be introduced.

This involves going back and redoing the plot, which then affects action further down the line which depends on them being introduced and not having known each other and so on and so on and so on.

This is not the same as gaffs, of course, which can be deliberately left in. Do you recall, in The Bourne Ultimatum, how when he limps at the end, it's on a different leg to earlier?

My mate speaks of 'suspending disbelief' during the film or book in order to follow the action through to its conclusion. If you see the glaring anomaly during the action, you can be so annoyed you'll stop watching or reading.

People say you need to suspend disbelief anyway with Bond but there are some things right OTT which you can accept and some which are minor technicalities which annoy.

[wisdom] does it require humility

Pisces wrote:

Day by day I became more and more dumbfounded by his philosophical offerings. I kept trying to put my finger on exactly what is was that I found so exasperating. It wasn’t just the emptiness of his daily aphorisms or even the messianic air that fills his blogspace like the smell of farts captured in an airtight room, it was the air of deep respect that the man seems to hold for his own wisdom.

Oblique comments like this make one stop and self-examine, 'Am I like that? For that matter, are you?'

Sunday, March 29, 2009

[interim report] higham status report, late march

Green and pleasant land?

I don’t think anyone’s going to agree with all of this personal statement and some are going to be mightily offended.

Let me say, up front, here and now, ‘Pardon, Mesdames et Messieurs.’

This now could have been the worst time of my life, returning to a homeland which is in a shambles and finding no haven here, amongst a disillusioned and worried people, about to experience, in 2009-2012, a time most of them have never before experienced. In fact it’s been the most productive period in a long while and it would be nice if we could have a 25 hour day – that extra hour would come in handy. I thank my mate for making much of this possible although he’s probably wondering what he’s unleashed.

Beslan - caring and sharing

Moving on.

Don’t know about you but when women come into my life, any creativity, research or personal projects are put on hold for the nonce until she decides I’m impossible and moves on. In Russia, the women were fabulous but soaked up most of the available waking time and this was the main bone of contention between the love of my life and your humble blogger – that I wasn’t devoting enough attention to her needs.

Look, I don’t mind devoting well over half my sentient life to her if she loves me and it’s for a noble purpose like helping her realize her personal potential, helping her believe in herself; in my book, you should always get inside your woman’s head, erode her misconceptions about her inability and inner beauty and quietly support her every step of the way but she also has to support your upward journey and that’s the sticking point, isn’t it?

Time for some slaying

That was basically my working life in Russia with male and female alike and the greatest buzz was seeing him or her getting that job, landing that contract or making that speech. That, to me, is fulfilment plus and it drives your own pursuit of a higher state, in the time you’ve reserved for yourself.

But if devoting time, energy and one’s soul to a woman only results in a life still devoted to shopping, shoes, cosmetics, clubbing, sex, sun worshipping, home furnishings, money-wastage or other vacuous pursuits, then count me out. There are meatheads around who can fill that supporting role. Don’t get me wrong, I loved shopping with my lady and helping get her coordinated; dancing was also fine occasionally because it resulted in a better night in bed and I can discuss lipsticks and fragrances with any girl … but surely not as the objects of one’s life.

Magdalena - am I worthy of you?

Surely the object of your life should be improvement of the non-materialistic state of either your situation or that of the world about you and having a bit of fun along the way?

Perhaps I’m wrong in this.

Into this steps Sonus, with his bleak exposé of where we truly are headed. I’m going to run a personal critique of his articles sometime next week but suffice to say that those six essays are a tour de force … although he refuses to take the next step.


As he said himself, in Part 6:


An evil presence, alien to all our perceived sense of “rightness” has its hands on our throat. We are all guilty of being asleep at the wheel …

One evening, an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside all people.

He said, ‘My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.’

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: ‘Which wolf wins?

The old Cherokee simply replied, ‘The one you feed.’

False messiah

Sonus should have added:

‘Therefore evil will win because it is the easier path, dead easy in fact. It’s easier to drop back into, it’s more attractive in its immediate benefits but it’s ultimately self-destructive for the psyche.’

He would say we all need to understand and fight back against this perniciousness – this is what the articles were partly meant to achieve.

What he himself would well know is that the positive path to recovery has forever been cynically exploited by the enemy. Roosevelt’s ‘all we need fear is fear itself’ and ‘happy days are here again’, reprised by Reagan later, was music to an abused population’s ears.

Not many wish to read the key message from this blog or to wade through Sonus because we deal with difficult concepts such as the snuffing out of real hope. Research Roosevelt, dig deeper than the Wiki bio and you discover a man who called in gold in response to a troubled time of his own backers’ choosing and set in concrete the fiat system. You discover a man who was anything but the godsend most Americans still believe him to have been. Ditto Obama although there are people who at least see through him.

Beloved landscape

There’s no such thing as a free lunch, a messiah in a materialistic mould or truth in clipped off sentences such as, ‘Yes we can.’

Yes we can what?

Yes we can stand by and install our destroyer in office in a landslide and then maintain him there, mesmerized by the Pied Piper spell of charisma and the early charm of wife Cherie or Michelle?

Narrow is the path and rocky is the way to genuine truth and good, rising ever upwards, forever branching off into other paths which lead back down to the super-highway to Gehenna, which the majority of mankind is hell bent on, as Chris Rea warned the world, led by this Pied Piper who mesmerizes them into believing it is actually the upwards path towards truth and enlightenment.

Go to a gym and watch a newbie press 30kg of iron, avoiding those last excruciating pushes which actually make the difference, then go over to the mirror, flexing his muscles to see if they’ve grown any. Go to America and see people taking pills for fatness and well-being instead of getting off the processed food, getting off the butt, stepping out and exercising.

One of Them

Even look at Christians, the genuine ones I mean, not the armed Crusaders of the bible belt and you’ll find find Pre-tribbers amongst them.

Do you know what these are?

They believe that the True Believers will be taken up before the Tribulation begins, that they won’t need to experience any discomfort, which in fact is a synonym for the real American dream – insulation against the vicissitudes of life.

There’s bad news for them.

Just as JC Himself did, in fact, experience unpleasantries, just as Peter, Paul and a host of devotees also did, so the real Christian is also going to suffer in some way, albeit in a less extreme manner in most cases. The third person in the trinity just makes it all the more possible to bear, that’s all.

Stripped of all its eco-speak and corporate jargon, the battle we face right now is no more nor less than the age old one - the fundamental battle between good and evil.

Where Sonus and I differ is that he sees evil [pardon if I have this wrong] as an internal battle within the self, which it certainly is, even on a daily basis. Whether your personal demons are simply the dark side of your personality or whether they are real demons you unwittingly invited in through your naivety, is the point at issue.

Mary and Child

Poirot said to Jacqueline, a woman co-planning a murder, in Death on the Nile:

‘Don’t open your heart to evil, Mademoiselle because if you do, it will surely come and make its home in there.’

The corollary being, of course, that it will be impossible thence to remove it.

However, to have this inside you still does not preclude the fact that there may also be an independent, sentient presence behind it all, a force whose essential shape I neither know nor wish to know but it’s possible to see its fruits. One of its names is i-h-a- and it is legion. To the adepts, the 32nd degrees and the like, it’s as real as the keyboard in front of you now.

Sonus accepts the presence of an outside force at work, trying to disable the economic basis of society rather than just the chance cyclical appearance of downturns as part of the economist’s model and he’s correct.

It’s simple and yet seemingly impossible to go one step further and examine George Bush Snr’s ‘1000 points of light’ to see what arcane mysteries he is actually referring to and whence the concept is derived.

But this is getting into whacko territory, isn’t it? And economic writers are not of this mindset.

Wonder what he makes of the state of affairs?

What if I allege that evil does exist outside of the self, an independent entity which organizes things and appears from time to time, e.g. in Kashmir, in Nairobi, in many places, also residing in the UN building. Mick Jagger was able to grasp the concept in 1969.

This is the first major obstacle which anyone who wishes to know the answer to the question, ‘Why?’ must overcome. If you don’t actually know the full horror of what you’re up against, you have no chance of coming to terms with it.

Read Ephesians 6:12 again.

This sentient presence can be seen in the concepts of duality and the inversion of the natural order – black becoming white and white becoming black. And the white is not white at all but a kaleidoscope of colours, each of which suits its book at the time. Tolkien alluded to this in the colours of Saruman’s cloak and in his honeyed voice of plausibility.

It perverts symbols.

What people know as the swastika is a symbol of good, historically; the star of David is a symbol of good, the pentagram is a symbol of good. It’s just that the enemy has prostituted these symbols.

It’s prostitutes sexuality. If the penis is designed for the vagina, it now goes in the anus.

It prostitutes worship. If the proper recipient of devotion should be your maker, it becomes money instead. If the proper recipient of your love should be your family, it becomes your mistress instead.

It prostitutes our children. Look at the Common Purpose aim with children, the new state mentoring which actually exists, even now, the decades of nobbling of our education system. Just look at what that system is producing today! I’m getting angry just thinking of what socialist teachers who should never have been allowed within light years of children are teaching them.

It’s relativistic.

We, the people

It’s all part of the process of white-anting the society and stripping away its ability to cope, whilst genuinely believing it is ushering in an era of tolerance and love. Look around at the tolerance and love it’s produced in our community at this very moment.

Here is Gordo’s dream in action but of course, he blames outside influences, the failure of a ‘free market economy’ which never existed.

On the other hand, the white caps are still on the waves out there on the sea, the ships are still passing and life in Britain can still be picturesque. The flat’s lovely and warm, the food’s scrumptious and the Mac is still working for now.

Have a lovely Sunday.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

[caption time] saturday evening

[footwear] the first decision of the gentleman

It’s just taken as read that the first item a man should take care of is his shoes and for a woman – a number of items, including her handbag.

As Suit Swagger says:

The importance of men's dress shoes in an outfit must not be overlooked. Many a man has adorned himself with the finest of clothing, most fragrant of colognes, and most stunning and dashing of high-end cufflinks.

Only to tarnish the entire image with run down, cheaply made or ill-matched footwear.

And Forbes agrees:

"Men let themselves down on their shoes," says Lynne Marks, an Atlanta-based image consultant and president of the London Image Institute, whose corporate clientele includes executives at Coca-Cola (nyse: KO - news - people ), American Express (nyse: AXP - news - people ), AT&T (nyse: T - news - people ) and the Weather Channel. "They either don't think that shoes are important, or they seem to think that shoes can't be seen. Either way, it's a big mistake."

What kind? Suit Swagger again:

Always pay attention to the material the dress shoe is made of. One of the finest materials men's dress shoes can be made of is calf-skin, which is durable yet supple, breathable yet insulating, and can hold a nice shine.

Suede is a favorite selection of many of the world's fine-dressers, which in brown goes with almost anything, they hold a superior elegance about themselves, they are extremely comfortable and make the feet appear smaller because of their matted surface.

Cordovan, which is not a skin but a membrane from the rear of a horse, is the most durable leather of all, but its warmth makes it more of a cold weather shoe.

Avoid "corrected grain" leathers that have been scraped, sanded, and bathed in chemicals to create a plastic-looking fake perma-shine, they look cheap and cheesy.

Forbes has a slide show on the best shoes to buy.

In the case of men, there isn't really more to dress life than shoes.