Saturday, December 13, 2008

[greece] gateway to powerful forces

The sacred and beloved apocalyptic future. Let the game begin.

There’ve been enough analyses of the ongoing Greek riots but many of the explanations either fail to mention or else deliberately ignore key factors and so all we have is a series of “60% correct” summations from different agendas.

On this second page here are the summaries of and links to the material I base this post on. You can always read through this material if you need confirmation of what is said here.

The thing which struck many from the outset was:

1. the rapid response of the rioters to the shooting;
2. the way it spread up and down Greece so quickly and in such a co-ordinated way.

In short, it was both organized and funded. The question was – by whom? Time to look at a bit of history and the players in the arena:

This is the old Byzantine Empire, the portal to Europe and the gateway to Asia Minor and striding about in it are:

New Democracy, the ruling party. They are trying to maintain relations with the EU, the Americans, Turkey and global business, each with its own agenda. On top of this, it has issues with FYROM to the north-west and the increasingly co-ordinated unrest in the major centres.

By the very fact of what they’re trying to achieve, they are part of the global capital/national socialism emanating from the inner circle of the EU, the round table groups, the Bilderbergers et al. Look at Mandelson and Sutherland and you’re looking at the face of this clandestine force, for whom national breakdown is a precursor to greater things.

PASOK The rump of the old socialists and the highest placed orthodox opposition.

The traditional Greek communists. Still a force to be reckoned with, hankering after the Glorious Revolution but also involved in collusion.

The new underclass of foreigners, mainly Muslim, expelled at intervals by the Turks and others and assisted by a network of professional agitators.

Turkey, who, behind their agreements with Greece, e.g. supporting their accession to the EU, continue to pour unrest into Greece plus the Arab nations associated with them, plus Iran, plus the Albanians and the Balkan Muslims.

The people behind the EU [not necessarily the EU itself]. Enough has been written in Britain about their agenda and that’s whom the Greek government have invited in to their country. These are the people behind the current depression, insurgencies everywhere, especially in Africa and the middle and near east.

The U.S. Tied in with the global elite at leadership level, there are nonetheless national agendas. The U.S. is tied, in Greek minds, with the discredited regime of the Colonels.


They’re all at it hammer and tongs in the area and what is being seen in Greece now but also all over Europe is a power game where the global elite find it to their advantage to allow the Muslim jihadi forces in to wreak havoc, creating extreme reactions from the so-called Christian populations and getting a nice scapegoat [albeit, in this case, a guilty one] to launch a new crusade against.

This convinces the banyuls that the state and population are both against them [which they are] and so they welcome the cynically organized and funded, internet aided and co-ordinated professional protesters up and down Europe, which half-unwittingly gives the necessary mandate for state strong-arm tactics and “temporary” suspension of freedoms.

The Greeks like to think that their troubles are unique. They’re not.

They’re part of a global game which utilizes memories of the old games of islamization of Europe, the Marxist rising of workers of the world and all the other useful agendas which can be pressed into service for the ultimate goals of the holders of the money.

This game is about global money, unrest and the reduction of populations to serfdom. Feel free to look at some of the raw material on the issue here.

UPDATE on the university situation, courtesy Cassandra:

What no one mentions is that the Karamanlis Government wants to put an end to the anomaly of university campuses being legalized free houses from criminal prosecution - a leftover from a spade of hyper corrections that took place under previous Socialist Governments in a reaction to the military regime's political persecution of Leftist students.

[ufo] becoming more mainstream

The 1991 near miss of the Alitalia plane and a UFO represents a slight hardening of the line on these things:

Secret documents released for the first time reveal that British Ministry of Defence staff accept that an Unidentified Flying Object zooming above Lydd caused the near miss. The incident took place at 7.58pm on April 21, 1991, and was investigated by the British Civil Aviation Authority and military experts.

Then there was the Turkish photo which I've been searching for debunkings on. If we can assume we've moved on from the "absolute rot - there are no such things" head in the sand position, it seems to me that the explanations fall into three main categories, ranging from an attempt to be reasonable through to on-the-edge:

1. They do exist, they are unidentified but they are foreign powers' clandestine technology. Hey, there's a lot of harware shooting about up there these days;

2. There are other worlds, it seems, so why shouldn't these people come over for a gander, just as we've done in reverse;

3. There is an entire other mystical thing going on, involving other dimensions, Ancient Egypt, Stonehenge, Ascended Masters and so on.

This blog dismisses none of them, simply because I don't know. As one who claims to "know" G-d exists from a given confirmation in the past, I'm hardly likely to dismiss such things as ufos out of hand although I feel the vast majority of "sightings" are explainable.

[vale bettie page] how do you want to be remembered

Choosing the right picture wasn't easy - she shunned recent photos so maybe this art print she'd have liked

Imagine you are this woman.

Imagine you had a couple of lucky breaks in the 50s and suddenly found yourself a star, a Hugh Hefner star. Now a battle rages inside you. Everyone around, from Hefner to an adoring public wants you to take your clothes off and if possible, to do as much as you dare.

Unless you’re emotionally scarred and even if you are, maybe especially if you are [which she was] there’s a pretty rampant sexuality in there wanting to get out but its expression is limited by the prudery of the times. I once asked a life partner of mine, a fairly red-blooded Serb, how strong was that little voice in the back of her head to show her body in public.

We’d just bought property and were short of the readies so she said – well, I’d just have to send her to Soho to sell her body and I couldn’t help thinking at the time that she was only 70% joking, as long as she could transfer the responsibility for her actions to me.

Everyone knows the old line “I was young; I needed the money” and it gets down to the core of exploitation. We’re not talking here about the slave trade but about the average woman and that little voice eternally driving her on. Lines like “if you’ve got it, flaunt it” give her the permission she needs and there’s always going to be an appreciative audience.

Imagine that you had allowed your personal sexuality to go public but now the reaction sets in; you find religion and go reclusive. They’d made you go too far. You grant the occasional interview but no photos, please.

Then, in the late 80s, there is a rediscovery of what you were thirty years earlier and now you’re in two minds. You want to be taken for who you are inside but you’d also [as she said] made your money showing your body in the first place and people all round the world appreciated that body and face.

Most unreconstructed.

People say you’re beautiful and they mean the you which had been … but in a little, innocent transference, you partly apply it to yourself now. After all, you’re one and the same person, aren’t you?

Wiki quotes Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times, who said, of the movie about her:

"The tone of the movie is subdued and reflective. It does not defend pornography, but regards it (in its 1950s incarnation) with subdued nostalgia for a more innocent time. There is a kind of sadness in the movie as we reflect that most of these women and the men they inflamed are now dead; their lust is like an old forgotten song."

I'm not sure about "sad", a bit bewildered, perhaps. In her own words:

"I was not trying to be shocking, or to be a pioneer. I wasn’t trying to change society, or to be ahead of my time. I didn’t think of myself as liberated, and I don’t believe that I did anything important. I was just myself. I didn’t know any other way to be, or any other way to live."

Vale, Bettie Page.

[lone voyage] fear his constant companion

These things really do inspire us. An Italian rower has almost crossed the Pacific by sea from Peru to Australia and got within 64 km before fierce storms stopped him:

"I didn't put the cherry on top of the cake. But the cake is very good, very big and I will never forget about it." He said that seeing his wife Francesca waiting for him was "one of the best moments in my life".

Bellini said that he had not walked more than a few metres since February, as he averaged about 30 miles a day in his 7.5-metre (25-foot) boat. His body weight dropped by 15kg (33lbs) during his 10 months at sea.

Fear, he added, was his companion on the voyage.
He kept in contact with a support team via a satellite phone and lived on dried food, drinking rain water and purified sea water.

With a wife like her waiting at the other end, I'd be pretty darned inspired to complete the journey but having sailed those conditions downunder, they're not nice. He said that fear was his constant companion. Understatement of the year, I should have thought.

Friday, December 12, 2008

[film and literature] why later editions often don't work

My favourite Holmes is the Bruce-Partington plans, with dialogue like this:

"Why had he no ticket?"

"The ticket would have shown which station was nearest the agent's house. Therefore he took it from the murdered man's pocket."

"Good, Lestrade, very good," said Holmes. "Your theory holds together. But if this is true, then the case is at an end. On the one hand, the traitor is dead. On the other, the plans of the Bruce-Partington submarine are presumably already on the Continent. What is there for us to do?"

"To act, Sherlock — to act!" cried Mycroft, springing to his feet. "All my instincts are against this explanation. Use your powers! Go to the scene of the crime! See the people concerned! Leave no stone unturned! In all your career you have never had so great a chance of serving your country."

"Well, well!" said Holmes, shrugging his shoulders. "Come, Watson! And you, Lestrade, could you favor us with your company for an hour or two? We will begin our investigation by a visit to Aldgate Station. Good-bye, Mycroft. I shall let you have a report before evening, but I warn you in advance that you have little to expect."

It's very difficult to say why that story is so engaging and yet one like the Mazarin Stone is dire:

"It all seems very unchanged, Billy. You don't change, either. I hope the same can be said of him?"

Billy glanced with some solicitude at the closed door of the bedroom.

"I think he's in bed and asleep," he said.

It was seven in the evening of a lovely summer's day, but Dr. Watson was sufficiently familiar with the irregularity of his old friend's hours to feel no surprise at the idea.

"That means a case, I suppose?"

then later:

"What's the game now, Count? What's this fellow want? What's up?" His voice was deep and raucous.

The Count shrugged his shoulders, and it was Holmes who answered.

"If I may put it in a nutshell, Mr. Merton, I should say it was all up."

The boxer still addressed his remarks to his associate.

"Is this cove trying to be funny, or what? I'm not in the funny mood myself."

I can't identify precisely why - the dialogue, the abrupt ends to lines, whatever - it points to a Conan Doyle who seems to have lost interest.

In a similar way but in a different medium and different genre, the original of the sci-fi film The Day the Earth Stood Still had tension to it - for example, when the initially unbelieving mother is co-opted by the alien and is then charged that, if something should happen to him, she must go to the robot and utter certain words in order to stop the robot from devastating every living thing. - one needs to make allowances for the age of the film, of course:

The current remake is slick, the sfx are 21st century but by all accounts, the film, as a whole, is seriously lacking. What is it? The lack of chemistry? The presence of "stars" who are "acting" when the original had ordinary characters who were for real?

Maybe we just want the characters to be for real, to be plausible, to be engaged with the plot.

[the lure of the questionnaire] hard to resist

As with Prodicus, so with your humble blogger here:

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Take it yourself, if you have not already done so.