Friday, February 22, 2008

[ugggh] feel like dying

Must be punishment for my sins - just got in and think I have flu - epidemic in this town - off to bed, hope all will be well. Had posts for this evening but just can't. More tomorrow morning [photos of work too].

Thursday, February 21, 2008

[britain] high disease risk

[paradigm shift] from the macro to the interpersonal

There's little doubt we're running into a dire period in the world [see any number of blogs] and there seem to be three schools of thought:

1. ruthlessly expose the bstds, rise up against them, endlessly blog about how terrible Brown and Bush are;

2. pretend it's not happening;

3. change the whole paradigm and focus on interpersonal relations as the key to sustainable resistance.

Forget macro-politics - micro-politics is the new resistance. The more people who:

1. clean up their minds, observe a moral code and teach their children to do the same;

2. learn to be satisfied and take only that which they need;

3. adopt the business principle that you're always going to have to give far more than you'll get back, that a filtration process takes place to weed out "takers" and that sufficient investment into other people will inevitably pay off ...

... and a strong foundation is built which can resist the new age of Self Gratification and Moral Ambiguity. To put it simply, a well brought up person will always win through and if the majority are well brought up [too late for many in this generation but they can start with the next] then the horrors of today's society can be resisted and circumvented.

If people are giving to one another, they can't act against each other. I think Susanna Hoffs [see last posting] is a great example. The Bangles broke up in 1989 due to internal pressures:

It's often focused on, perhaps unfairly, that the feeling of unease over Susanna Hoffs being seen as the centre of attention was the catalyst for the break-up. Different band members had different opinions, and the stresses of recording and touring took their toll.

Combined with an alleged plot by management to break up the band to ring-fence Susanna as a solo artist, the lawyers were called and the band split up ... Susanna was initially the most keen to reunite the Bangles, and eventually the other band members were persuaded.

I think one needs to go deeper. I ran some of the Youtubes past my mate and a French woman friend of mine today and certain things came out clearly. Hoffs is a honey. Why are men so hot for her and not for the equally facially beautiful Michael Steele?

Easy, says the Frenchwoman.

Hoffs is not afraid of being feminine, she doesn't feel "oppressed" by playing up to men which is a big feminist no-no, she comes on to men using innuendo, those sloe-eyes, sultry voice and every trick of personal appearance she can dream up. She stands with knees together and hands demurely in front of her, she smiles [another feminist no-no], she wants those men to want her and doesn't apologize.

She's a giver. Result - we want her badly. Not all but many, judging from the Youtube comments. Facial beauty is one thing and sure it's a big factor with her but it's how she uses it which is everything. With the greatest respect, Michael Steele could have done that but she didn't. Where in those clips was there evidence that the other three were interrelating with the audience as Hoffs always does? So one or two got all jealous.

I'm no expert but it seems it's first of all about acting sensually but not sleazily, about looking after yourself physically and perhaps dressing nicely but far more importantly - walking into any interpersonal situation with a mindset of giving to that other person. That takes some adjustment.

Yet it will always win in the end.

Example - we have three wall mirrors down in the foyer at uni, always with 12 or so girls trying to use them. You only need to walk up to one of the mirrors and they'll step out of the way to give you space. But if you indicate no - she should continue and you'll just look over her shoulder at the mirror, there'll be no result but days later, on the 3rd floor, she'll remember it and come up and talk.

Coming back to the original dilemma in this post - the dark era we're now entering. If every husband never demanded conjugal rights, if she phoned him at work and detailed in just under a minute the disgraceful things she was planning for his anatomy that evening, if she was weary and he took care of things then came and lay with her, just chatting about this and that, if they were to continually seek common ground rather than sticking to entrenched positions - it goes on and on - then nobody could divide them, the kids would pick up on it and outside attempts to divide and rule would ultimately fail.

The new politics should have a micro-focus - each one of us should take care of the interpersonal and put it on an altruistic footing rather than a hedonistic. Pleasure and power will then come back at us like a wave or else if it won't - we move on and try again.

It's a war of attrition [note the Fabian roots].

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

[lba 40] youngsters may skip this post

Click pic to zoom in close

Have they gone - those pesky youngsters of 20-30 with the perfect skin and not a care in the world?

Good 'cause it's just you and me left now to have a chat about this thing called age. The whole cosmetics industry is based on preventing it or alternatively you can exercise and eat right.

I fell in love today with the girl in this video but not the frisky 27 year old of 1986 you can see there - oh no. I fell in love with the frisky 48 year old in the photos above and below, taken, as far as I could research it, in August last year.

Would you pick her as 48?!!

C'mon, be honest.

It drives certain things home to me about beauty:

a. It's primarily about having a purpose in life [or getting one] and pursuing it;

b. It's about boyish or girlish enthusiasm, rather than being a moaning, despairing woe-is-me minnie;

c. It's marrying one person, as she did, having one or two children, as she did and not apologizing for it or constructing constructs - just enjoying every minute;

d. It's keeping yourself clean inside and out - she refused to do porn photos which would have sold like hotcakes;

e. It's being a bit roguish [man] or naughty flirty [girl] - just look at her look - without putting it about and doing one night stands;

f. It's about being vibrant - after all, you know what that Frenchman said:

The body of a hedonist is the coffin of a dead soul and there's no soul more dead than one which died young.

Now, after all that's been said, we can go to:

g. Diet, exercise, good company and a good night's sleep.

How about just checking this clip which she did at 32.

If you're male you'd better put the fan on full cool before you view it. Girls, I don't need to tell you - she did this fully clothed and didn't stroke one microphone but I can't see there being one male not wanting her after this [pity about the sound quality]. Maybe 'cause she's usually more demure.

Doesn't it inspire you? 157cm of inspiration for women and heat for men - read the comments by the boys below the clip - I'm with them all the way.

Here's another, more genuine shot, in the full glare of the light, of what she's like at 49 this month [someone pour some cold water over me]:

[serbia] recognizing kosovo is mindless

There are two choices - mindless or deliberate of NATO's masters:

Nato troops have sealed the northern borders of Kosovo after Serbs angry at its weekend declaration of independence ransacked two crossings.

Hundreds of protesters torched customs and police posts at Jarinje and Banja, manned by UN and Kosovo police.

Closing the borders will infuriate both Kosovo Serbs and Serbia's government, says the BBC's Nick Thorpe in Kosovo.

Since when has there been any historical precedent whatsoever for this as a solution to regional stability? The Serbs will never accept this and at the appropriate juncture will secede the northern part. This blog has said it and said it and said it - the NATO solution is no solution.

[greens] strong groups of friends

Major source: Constance Cumbey [no link, sorry]

In Colorado there is a ranch called Baca, run by a lady named Hanne Strong, which she runs as a New Age commune.

The Danish-born Hanne Strong was inspired enough to start the Manitou Foundation, which allocates land grants and money for religious orders.

That's fine, except that her husband is Maurice Strong:

In 1992, [he was] chairman of the United Nation's Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro He was co-chairman of the Council of the World Economic Forum, became a member of the World Commission on Environment and Development (the Brundtland Commission), found time to serve as president of the World Federation of United Nations Associations, on the executive committee of the Society for International Development, and as an advisor to the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Wildlife Fund. Above all, he served on the Commission on Global Governance. Friends include:

- Vice President Al Gore. (Of course.)

- World Bank President James Wolfensohn, formerly on the Rockefeller Foundation Board and currently on the Population Council Board; he was Al Gore's favored candidate for the World Bank position.

- James Gustave Speth, head of the Carter Administration's Council on Environmental Quality, crafter of the doomladen Global 2000 report, member of the Clinton - Gore transition team; he now heads the UN Development Program.

- Shridath Ramphal, formerly Secretary General of the (British) Commonwealth, now Co-Chairman of the Commission on Global Governance.

- Jonathan Lash, President of the World Resources Institute --which works closely with the World Bank, the UN Environment Program, and the UN Development Program -- and Co-Chairman of the President's Council on Sustainable Development.

- Ingvar Carlsson, former Swedish prime minister and Co-Chairman of the Commission on Global Governance.

And of course Kofi Annan.

Strong was also involved with the World Service Initiative and photographed with a World Service Initiative trip to Findhorn, the New Age Vatican.

Here are their principles, as stated by them:

The purpose of the World Service Intergroup is to generate a focused, conscious and deliberate intergroup effort to specifically assist the Externalization of the Hierarchy and the Reappearance of the Christ.

Religious scholars will recognize immediately that talk of "The Christ" or World Teacher his nothing to do with the Christian Messiah but a different chap called Maitreya or Djwahl Kuhl who, in the Christian religion has another name and who the Rolling Stones had sympathy for. Strong was at Findhorn together with the Lucis Trust and you can do your own research on them.

Gordon Davidson and Corrine McLaughlin, who set up the WSI in Washington, D.C. in 1995 were also instrumental in setting up the Valdez Principles, [original link now forbidden but here is a second link], committing corporate America to the Gorean Eco principles now in vogue today. Here is his mindset:

The Shamballa force is in reality Life itself; and Life is a loving synthesis in action. We also used the Six Laws and Principles of the New Age to lead us towards creating a vision of how these principles might create patterns for the New Civilization humanity will be constructing over the next 2500 years.

The environmental movement therefore has an occult angle influencing it which sets it apart from the mindset of most people who see themselves as at least partly green. Shamballa force would seem to have little to do with recycling your bottles and using eco-friendly lamps and yet the connection is forced at high levels of society.

In 1990, Strong gave an interview to writer Daniel Wood in which he discussed a novel he'd like to write:

'Each year,' he explains as background to the telling of the novel's plot, 'the World Economic Forum convenes in Davos, Switzerland. Over a thousand CEO'S, prime ministers, and leading academics gather in February to attend meetings and set economic agendas for the year ahead.'

With this as a setting, he then says, 'What if a small group of these world leaders were to form a secret society to bring about an economic collapse? It's February. They're all at Davos. These aren't terrorists. They're world leaders.'
'They have positioned themselves in the world's commodity and stock markets. They've engineered a panic, using their access to stock exchanges and computers and gold supplies. They jam the gears. They hire mercenaries who hold the rest of the world leaders at Davos as hostages. The markets can't close. The rich countries -'

... and Strong makes a slight motion with his fingers as if he were flicking a cigarette butt out the window.
- West Magazine (May 1990)

He told Maclean's in 1976 that he was "a socialist in ideology, a capitalist in methodology." And his career combines oil deals with the likes of Adnan Khashoggi with links to the environmentalist Left.

"He's dangerous because he's a much smarter and shrewder man [than many in the UN system]," comments Charles Lichenstein, deputy ambassador to the UN under President Reagan. "I think he is a very dangerous ideologue, way over to the Left."

"This guy is kind of the global Ira Magaziner," says Ted Galen Carpenter, vice president for defense and foreign-policy studies at the Cato Institute. "If he is whispering in Kofi Annan's ear this is no good at all."

It's not a conspiracy, of course: just a group of like-minded people fighting to save the world from less prescient and more selfish forces -- namely, market forces. When Rep Don Young introduced the American Land Sovereignty Act in reaction against the Yellowstone New Age Mine payout:

In an interview, Strong dismissed Young's anxieties. "I do not share his concern. It is no abdication of sovereignty to exercise it in company with others, and when you're dealing with global issues that's what you have to do."

His friend, Paul Martin joined George Bush and the Mexican president on March 23, 2005 to exercise that belief in setting up the SPPNA. Is this interesting hotch-potch at the reins of power a one-off? Well, not exactly - the California resort where world leaders go to relax has a place where a ceremony, however innocent, is distinctly ancient in form .

Under the surface there are quite a few ambiguous things being utilized, like the 1000 points of light, ostensibly biblical but bearing occult interpretations. In this link just now, it was mentioned in relation to a piece of software bundled in with other 'peace-seeking' new age software.

I deliberately avoided all the occult and Christian sites for a link because I'm not trying to establish anything other than that there is a motif running through the leaders of countries' dealings with each other which is more than balance sheets and corporate meetings. It is not Christian in nature but relativistic in that it seeks to pay lip service to a melting pot of religions with a 'World Teacher' at its helm.

At the least, it runs through Al Gore's green movement's doings. Even if you go no further than that, the question is, 'Why would words like global governance and occult terminology be mentioned in virtually the same breath?'