Saturday, October 21, 2006

[sao paulo] schumacher's swansong

For those not aware of it, this is Michael Schumacher’s swan-song at Sao Paulo on Sunday and he’s well placed to take out his final race. With seven already under his belt and the Ferrari firing, it’s anyone’s race vs. his competitive spirit and I should think there’ll be over a billion people checking in to the coverage from time to time. "I am not here this weekend to think too much about my own title," said Schumacher [37]. "I am coming here for the constructors' title. I expressed after the Suzuka race that the title fight for the drivers' is finished.

[aishah] last time on this, hopefully

I’ve just read the Telegraph piece on the issue and the comments on it and the anonymous comment on my earlier piece. Someone drew the parallel of the kippah worn by Jews. How can anyone say it’s the same issue? That’s ridiculous. Another commenter said we can’t walk down the street in balaclavas these days [can’t remember ever doing so actually]. This blog concludes that the woman was way out of line and is trying to milk the issue for all it’s worth. What’s more, she wishes to become a teacher. Really? Who would employ her? Yesterday, one of my girls [Muslim] asked why this Aishah didn’t just go to a Muslim school if she feels so strongly about the veil.

Friday, October 20, 2006

[olives] latest news from the front line

Photo lifted direct from L'Ombre's site

The news from the Olive Front is not so good: Rain soaked rotten over-ripe olives fallen to the ground and lying on our driveway. Just hoping most of them stay on the trees for another week or 10 days. Getting critical now. Keep your fingers crossed.

[baseball] name the four of them

The names are scrambled. Straighten them out: denlarver, gerros, sorberton, mebandorn. Answers here.

[wal-mart] $4 generic-drug plan moves to alaska

Remember Wal-Mart $4 prescriptions? They’re now available in Alaska Wal-Mart and Sam's Club stores because Alaska doesn't have state laws prohibiting such a move, as some states do. Dave Campana, pharmacist for Alaska Medicaid, said drugs on Wal-Mart's $4 list are mostly older, lower-priced generics, but still, state Medicaid should benefit, along with people who are uninsured. Over-the-limit Medicare recipients who must pay their own drug costs may also pay less, he said. Fine details at this site.

[fashion] the mechanics of flow lines

Now say what you like but I found this interesting, not least because it comes out of Australia and then because even a man can understand it. Successful fashion is all about flow lines, and nowhere more so than in hats. A glorious swirl of red straw braid and Swiss silk veiling, finished with a flower and hatpin, all designed within the "flow lines" of the head, but with a light froth of extra height to create that illusion for the wearer. At its most fundamental, fashion design is concerned with two things: fit and flow. Men, don’t switch off yet – more here.