Sunday, September 17, 2006

[intelligence] three wise men

Mr. Chavez has vowed to cut off Venezuelan oil supplies to the U.S. if it invades Cuba. Mr. Ahmadinejad told the summit that ``Cuba's fight for liberation from imperialism has been a source of inspiration for the world's peoples,'' and Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the movement ``will once again be in Cuba's very capable hands.'' Wonderful men, wonderful minds.

[benedikt XVI] nicht richtig sich entschuldigen

Benedikt XVI geht auf Distanz zu Manuel II. Der Papst distanziert sich - aber er kriecht nicht zu Kreuze. Die islamkritische Passage sei "nur ein Zitat" gewesen. Sie entspreche nicht seiner Haltung, sagte Benedikt heute beim Sonntagsgebet vor Pilgern in Rom. Für seine versöhnlichen Worte erntete er Jubel, und er scherzte sogar. Benedikt ist nicht richtig sich entschuldigen. Niemals!

[le pape] pourquoi s'excuser (avec Reuters et AFP) dit: Benoît XVI "profondément désolé" des réactions à ses propos sur l'islam. Bon, mais si il ne doit pas presenter des excuses. Il y a son conviction ou non? [Excuser moi pour mon francais] Si le Pape a personnellement fait part de ses regrets dimanche, il n’a pas présenté les excuses officielles que réclamaient de nombreuses voix musulmanes. Plusieurs commentaires témoignent toutefois d’un début de décrispation. «Je suis profondément désolé pour les réactions, dans certains pays, à quelques passages de mon discours à l'université de Ratisbonne, qui ont été jugés offensants pour la sensibilité des musulmans». Offensants? Incroyable!

[papacy] fact or assertion

Two journalists raise questions, based on other men’s investigations about the doings of a man with a dog; they are then effectively discredited in one fell swoop by the all-encompassing label ‘conspiracy theorist’ and yet a president falls and Pulitzer prizes are later given. One seriously flawed DA asserts that JFK was not just shot by a nutter and he is later vindicated by a second federal commission. Albino Luciani suddenly dies. Is there merely the whiff of holy smoke or is there indeed the presence of unholy fire, as claimed by his predecessor? Sorting out fact from assertion was my task and this is what I came up with.

[pope] anomalies and explanations

I know I tend to get a little too enthusiastic at times but there is a piece on the Pope biz here which I think might be well worth a read. It appears to account for most of the anomalies. On the subject of anomalies, I don't want to join the opposition and dan-brown you but there appears to be at least some physical evidence that the Pope who went in is not the one who's walking about now. It wouldn't be the first time. Now, the photo on the left - is there anything a little puzzling to you about it? I don't want to lead on this.

[pope] gauntlet taken up which was never thrown

The Pope has used the word ‘evil’ and he should know – he’s close to it everyday. It surrounds him in the corridors of the Vatican. The main thrust of his remarks – looking at the fruits of a scripture if one truly follows its precepts, as distinct from the zealots who would adapt selected passages to their own prejudices – reveals, in one case, a world of peace and harmony for the male gender and obliteration for all who disagreed; and in peace, harmony and goodwill to all in the other case. I don’t see what the argument’s about. Unless you find solace in the cobalt-blue, sardonic sternness of dispassionate, indifferent, spiritually-cold rationality which denies and destroys but never ever builds and nurtures?