Thursday, September 17, 2009

[late evening listening] voices which have ceased

Mary Travers [least worst youtube of a great song]:

Judith Durham [another songbird]:


  1. I sometimes muddle Judith Durham with Jeff Dunham.

  2. Again a nice double bass keeping the song moving with a wooden nutty type sound in the second song...the first one was quite a sweet rendition of a lovely song...was listening to a best of John Denver when I went on hols this year with the wife and baby daughter to Cornwall and Devon.....there was one song on that CD that had my wife and myself in tears...will dig the album out because the name of the song escapes me.


  3. Do so and are you sure it's TC this time, TEV?

  4. Certain.....must get confusing...that's why I will always leave TC after my comments.

    My partner in crime on TEV does the rounds under the same name so sorry for any confusion.

    By the way here is a little clip of me and my new band's first gig in a large tent in Cardiff's exclusive Meltdown.....

    hope you don't mind me posting it...its all music. And the songs are ours.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.