Friday, July 10, 2009

[carla bruni-sarkozy] déchaîne les passions italiennes

You might not like the kooky, left-wing, tree-hugging, Africa loving, ex-soft porn model Carla Bruni, naughty queen of the faux pas who likes to see herself as an actress and singer but you have to hand it to her - she has enraged the senior vampire of the black nobility, convicted criminal, perjurer and all round sleazebag, Berlusconi and that has to be a good thing.

It's hit the press again apparently and Ms Bruni is not backward in coming forward on her views on Berlusconi's comments on Obama and other matters. The Berlusconi press has very little to reproach her on:
Jeudi, la presse italienne s'est longuement attardée sur «la Carla». Il Giornale, le journal conservateur et outrancier de Paulo Berlusconi, le frère de Silvio, a été le plus agressif. Un article intitulé «Celle qui ne se mélange pas avec les autres» dénonce la «chanteuse qui incarne à la perfection le pire du microcosme idéologico-mondain». Il stigmatise le mélange du «tiers-mondisme et de la musique rock, de lutte contre la pauvreté compensée par le personal trainer, de guerre contre la faim quand on s'offre de la nourriture végétarienne».

A woman who can say she was happy to renounce her Italian citizenship and become French whilst infuriating the French by taking Nic away on long, naughty weekends and indulging in same on duty, can't be all bad, despite her PC ideas and strange politics.

On balance, let's vote for her.

Don't know about you but your humble correspondent thinks this is the best thing about our Nic:


  1. Berlusconi is such an old pervert. But seriously this is brilliantly true. A keeper.

    "la «chanteuse qui incarne à la perfection le pire du microcosme idéologico-mondain». Il stigmatise le mélange du «tiers-mondisme et de la musique rock, de lutte contre la pauvreté compensée par le personal trainer, de guerre contre la faim quand on s'offre de la nourriture végétarienne».

    LOL. I love it. Great catch James.

  2. I'd leave my wife for this woman, I admit it. If I were married.
    I don't speak French or Italian, and as long as she didn't speak English, this could work for me.

  3. Sarko had the courage to marry her and he didn't hang around until it was too late, like most men do. J'admire ça. I think she gets a bad press just because she's beautiful.


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