Thursday, April 02, 2009

[children] not a good time to grow up in britain

He just keeps coming up with these topics.

This time, it's about the teacher who was suspended for filming pupil misbehaviour and supplying it for a documentary:

Note what the court criticised her for and what it suspended her teaching licence for. Ms Dolan, who also exposed apparent attempts to dupe Ofsted inspectors,..

Still it’s no biggy duping Ofsted, as any reasonable person not a raving fascist Tory would have thought, and so on to the thing that hurts; really huts, a liberal’s sensibilities.
…breached the trust of pupils and abused her position. Now she didn’t film them naked, or name them (if the clip is representative), and all she did was blur out their faces and watch them monkeying about.

She states that this behaviour was typical of 14 out of 16 schools she taught in.

So what ‘trust’ did she betray; the trust so tenderly placed by innocent little children into her unscrupulous hands? The trust not to show them running about and shouting and leaping on desks and preventing any learning from going on?

Now that indirectly tunes in with what I wanted to blog about today - what's happening to our children. My mate and I were discussing this and he said that whereas in our own childhood, we were on our bikes, playing in the street or going up to the woods, seeing a slice of life along the way and thrown onto our own resources, kids now fall into two categories:

1. Those whom mum and dad want to tie to the apron strings and protect at all costs, in line with Gordo's vision for Britain. This is a result of the paedo hysteria and the beserk Health and Safety rules which don't let you even use certain colours in paints because they'll harm the eyes;

2. Chavs on the street.

Just as the middle-class is dividing into the new euro-serfs and those who've joined the haughty rich [or would like to], so kids are being subdivided into classes.

Is there any chance we'll ever get back to some sort of sanity in the upbringing and education of children and if so, when? After the current crop are well and truly destroyed within?


  1. We grew up with Hope. These poor things have a mishmosh of problems and weird officially-instilled prejudices.

  2. I've been wondering the same thing over here in the US, James. Seems like a lot of the kids are either sheltered from the world, or out raising hell.

  3. Its really about simply reducing white kids into a servile mush. They don't really care if its upward or downward - as long as they are as protracted from reality as possible. That's the plan.

  4. Well,it won't be the next generation that's for sure.

  5. Hi James,

    I think the reason why so many children fall into your a) category is because of the scary nature of those in your category b).

    You have to be a brave parent these days to let your kids have the kind of freedoms we enjoyed. If parents do let their kids run free, as we did years ago, nowadays it doesn't take long before group a) joins group b) or gets beaten up by them.

    Take it from a Brummie Mum, it's a hard world out there for kids and it's even harder for parents trying to bring them up as rounded individuals whilst at the same time doing their best to protect them from the dark side.


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