Tuesday, March 17, 2009

[age of consent] and a time to refrain from embracing

Was there ever a topic as offputting as incest and child pornography? No blogger in his right mind would touch it, not least because the key words appear in search engines worldwide.

Also, if you’re of the gender and within the age range of the most highly suspect, you’re hardly in a position to write on the topic. I’m going to though because it’s deeply distressing to see what’s going on.

To begin with, I accept the point made by Lord T that:

We pride ourselves as having progressed where in fact we have not progressed much since we left the caves in these regards. It is all surface coating or lip service to the law.

Never mind the porn, just look at our newspapers.

Nobody has any page 3 grannies. It’s all 18 to 20 year olds, younger if they can find a good reason and as it sells papers we all guzzle it up. We all like looking at young things.

Remember Charlotte Church when she was only 13 or 14? How people commented on her body … Nature made women fertile long before they matured mentally.

Some years ago, a friend of mine, a footballer of some note, was discussing this over dinner and his wife made some point about cradle snatching, which was interesting because she was cradle snatched before she met her husband. He made the comment, ‘I might have thought about it for five minutes.’

At least he was honest. I’d suggest that the reason he didn’t think any longer than the five minutes was because of sheer availability; in short, he was a catch for females of any age. How far is dwelling on the charms of young girls inversely proportional to one’s overall attractiveness to the female gender?

And yet there was Ted Bundy, not unpersonable and accepted by one girl as his marriage partner but he was psychopathic, whereas we’re referring here to ostensibly ‘normal’ males..

I’d answer my own point by saying that the more that opportunities result in the taking of those opportunities, the more voracious becomes one’s own appetite.

What I’m getting at here is that in the periods of my life where I was doing well with the ladies, the more ladies that I was seeing, the more ladies who mysteriously seemed to become available. It tended to snowball.

Perhaps it was all their friends and colleagues which opened the pool, perhaps it was what it did to the man – making him take more care and attention over his own appearance; maybe he was just more attuned to the female, the more he indulged her and indulged in her.

These days in Britain, with virtually zero opportunity, nothing snowballs in the least.

Sexual orientation

Lord T mentioned a ‘sliding scale’ and I believe in that. For example, one of my pet theories is that we all have a sliding scale, like the fader on a sound system, between homosexuality and heterosexuality.

I don’t think that one is either all one way or the other. Having been traumatized as a child by friends of the family [my parents never knew, right up till the end], my slider on that scale is jammed hard up at the hetero end.

I have almost zero homosexual tendencies. In fact, I even have problems shaking hands with a man, which is why I tend to have such a hard handshake and if one puts his hand on my shoulder, which the Russians who like you tend to do, with no connotations whatsoever, I try hard not to cringe.

On the other hand, I have zero problems with two girls hard at it and a love affair between girls doesn’t worry me any. Older woman-younger woman, older woman-younger man – not a problem unless it’s my woman with the younger man.

By the way, much of my life was spent avoiding the charms of older women - my second wife was six years older than me, my first four years older and I had certain problems with mothers as a young teacher. My next door neighbour who was about fifty, invited me over [I was maybe thirty] and began, ‘I’m a woman, you’re a man,’ at which point I made polite excuses and ran.

Yes, I would

Age range

Similarly, there seems to be a sliding scale with age preference but a better model here would be the margin tabs at the top of your Word document. They’re set somewhere across the page.

Chandler’s Philip Marlowe preferred his women to be shiny and hardboiled; I can’t imagine anything worse. Nabokov’s anti-hero preferred Lolita. I can’t imagine anything worse than a child lover who lies there and says, ‘Tell me when you’re done.’ Surely the game with a woman is the whole thing – the thrill of the chase etc.?

Let’s put a hypothetical to the men and ask them the question of where they’d set their tabs.

Let’s say, hypothetically, that you find yourself on your own and a precocious eighteen year old makes herself available. You’re never going to be caught as she knows somewhere you could both go to do the deed.

Well? Would you? Don’t lie!

A Segolene Royal finds herself with you and seems to be taking a deep interest in your middle-aged pontificating. It’s clearly on … so do you? You’d need not ask me twice.

OK, now let’s broaden it a little.

You find yourself, somehow, with one of the thirteen year olds you’ve seen pictures of, she’s clearly sentient, she’s on her own, she likes you and no one’s ever going to know. She says, as Clemence Poesy, living child-porn on two legs, said in the film In Bruges, ‘Fuck first, eat second.’

Would you cross that line?

A lady of sixty, elegant, silky voiced, educated, still naughty, powerfully Loren, seems quite affected by your charms.

Well? Would you?

So where do you set your tabs, boys? 3 to 70? 16 to 43? 9 to 22? 26 to 49 [where mine currently are]?

I have another theory, as Anne Elk had, that other sliding scales also come into play now: fat-thin, serious relationship-one night stand, intelligent-bimbo, blonde-brunette and so on.

In other words, all of us are all over the place in whom we could go for although conversely, the pool of women willing to go for us is steadily contracting.

The disintegration of normal relations in developed nations

In a western world where fathers can’t even go near their daughters for even normal fathership and mothers are so paranoid that they look askance any time their daughter is left alone with her father, there is real sickness going on.

In a world where the majority of women are making themselves exceedingly unappealing to and demanding of their partners [and make no mistake about this, ladies – it is happening, not least with some of your gender’s feminist carping], the male is looking elsewhere. Look at the mail order bride market and the increasing number of men willing to go ‘offshore’.

By their very actions, women are driving men to look in other directions. Women will violently attack me for saying this, saying it is no excuse for touching a younger girl.

I agree – it is no excuse at all but human nature is what human nature is. Are all men rapists? Not in a society which is balanced, where women act as women. And what does that mean – acting as women?

This one is for you, ladies – have you ever thought what attracts a man to you apart from your luscious lips, perfect thighs and big breasts?

It’s you as a person.

Now if you’re going to make yourself unattractive through the feminist motif running through all your words and actions, even though you have no idea and would hotly deny you were actually doing that … and at the same time, some undemanding young beauty appears on the scene – whom is he going to be more likely to want to spend his time with?

The prostituting of young girls

This really upsets me and is the reason for the post.

This generation of girls is growing up doing the full adult sexuality and more by late teenage, doing things that only prostitutes did two generations ago. I’m going to get specific here. Even the Rodox porn of yesteryear, while showing group sex, did not dwell on dp and other acts to nearly the extent that today’s porn does.

Today, these acts are almost par for the course and what’s more, the models doing them are either close to or I suspect are under eighteen. This is progress in society?

What’s worse is in the social interaction at school age.

From her sexually sentient years of around eleven or twelve, where once they were fourteen to seventeen, it is obvious that the only way a girl is going to be part of the gang, the most increasingly important focus of any child whose world is expanding, as always has been the way, is to conform to group mores.

From where is the young male getting the idea that it’s fine to bang girls indiscriminately and that that is a girl’s ultimate value within the group?

The answer is that these days a girl says yes and has to say yes or else she finds herself marginalized.

Gordo had a plan to have a nurse in every school. It’s de rigeur to provide sexual counselling for children and condoms seem to be readily available.

Why? Why now?

It was never necessary before in school because boys might have dreamt of it and a certain percentage of slutty girls crossed the line but generally, they were Playboy days, when the woman was still held to be a desirable person, rather than just a semen pit.

Before the late teenage guys leap to their own defence, let me qualify this by saying that it’s not so much a 24/7 orgy I’m alleging is happening but normal adult relations, where full adult sex is just part of the whole, shifted downwards to the lower age range around fourteen.

Some will claim that that’s healthy. Guys and girls hanging around together, socializing and yes – having sex. Without complexes and healthy, right? Are the girls traumatized? Are they heck as like – they’re some of the main instigators.

So what’s wrong with it?

They’re not effing ready, that’s what’s wrong and I’m not only referring to the explosion of teen pregnancies. In a society so officially fixated with protecting the young and vilifying the male, no one is effing well actually protecting the kids, in real terms.

To have to face the loss of virginity so early, on top of all the hormonal angst and in the context of the pressures of school life, peer group troubles, bullying, the constant pressure to be ana and so on – it’s a bizarre cocktail.

When I say they’re not ready, the model of sex being the consummation of a deep relationship between two people has all but gone out the window.

Fourteen year olds can certainly feel deep love and my own thirteen year old lover when I was that age is still very much on my mind. I had sexual relations when I was eight with another eight year old I’d known since I was four. She’s the one I mentioned whose case I used to carry when we walked to kinder. But this was the ‘I’ll show you mine if …’ variety.

So yes, even eight year olds have a certain sexuality but it’s an eight year old sexuality, not an adult’s.

Yet the porn available has the whole biz with an older, adult male together with a seriously teenage girl and they package it up as an ‘audition’, for money. This is wrong.

How has it come down to this?

Look, the porn market would not exist without people viewing it. If no one viewed three thirty year old men and a fifteen year old girl in a no holds barred video and thumbnail presentation, then that category of the industry which prostitutes girls from less developed nations and even our own would not exist.

To paraphrase Lord T, we’d all be viewing page 3 grannies.

But men and even some women do view these things and are becoming inured against any sense of shame that they’re doing so. What they are, in effect doing, is giving lifeblood to the industry and to the exploitation of girls. Not only that but with the ready accessibilty of this material, this is the pattern on which young sexual relations are being built, now that the church is virtually silent and parents don’t seem to be mentoring any more.

So our own children are at high risk of learning sexuality outside the context of love and normal adult emotions. A child can’t feel those emotions. She can feel the physical stirrings after a certain age and knows about falling in love but she can’t feel what adults eventually feel and so she interprets, as the boy does too, a perverse sort of male-female social interaction based on lust in a group setting.

Look, if you start a girl too early, it causes all sorts of psychological dislocation at a much later date. I’ve seen it happen and it’s so subtle it’s hard to prove. There are no stats on this.

How to stop it all?

Stop men watching, pull the plug on this market.

How to stop men watching?

Girls saying no, as the vast majority once did.

How to get a girl to say no?

Remove the social expectation for her to say yes, the idea that it’s quite all right by us - instead, make it the norm and quite OK for her to say no.

How do we do that?

By ourselves, us males, stop feeding the monster.

I suspect that our own two generations are too far gone and any progress will have to come from sexually weary girls, at twenty five or thirty, with their own children, to start reasserting some sort of moral code where there’s a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing.

Leave aside right and wrong and the idea of ‘thou shalt not’.

Let them educate their children that peer pressure should not extend to personal sexuality, that there is a generally accepted age where these things have a meaningful context and above all, re-establish the connection between sexuality and one-to-one relations of some sort of meaningfulness.

Dare I say it – in a context of ongoing and abiding love.

Dare I also say it – this is the true feminism, ensuring girls are allowed to grow up in a healthy environment where they are valued for themselves and not just for their bodies.


  1. It's not just the porn industry who are culpable of marketing young girls as desirable sexul objects. Main stream advertising use 15 yr olds for anti aging cream to best highlight their product's effectiveness,with espectation of girls appearing as provocative and sexual women.

    Girls are savy now and realize they have a 'cash value' in partaking of their own youthful exploitation.But, as you said, they lack the maturity to calculate the price.

    In the '80's when I was almost 19, I had not yet seen a man naked-let alone having done more than kissed 2 boys. My friends had all ready had more sexual partners than their mothers,by the time they were 16.

    I was made to feel an oddball and a prude,but by 20 they were all saddled with kids and men,whose affections ,both ways,had allready run it's course.
    Then they admired me- for my nice apt, nice clothes, good job, figure and happy life.

    You're right in what you say about women not being os quick to jump into bed. I had more marriage proposals than most women I knew, and I think it was because they did not slot me as the type for cheap fun.

  2. * As a 43 yr old, I am now only interested in cheap fun. :)

  3. All sad and all too true...

    What gets my goat the worst are the parents -- whether they see nothing wrong in this or whether they are just cluelessly negligent. They are still responsible in a large part.

    Can we still blame the baby boomers?

  4. Uber, thanks for that feedback.

    M'lord - I think you've hit the nail on the head.

  5. Well it's just our nature. We want to be surrounded by nice things and show that we can attract and keep them. Worked so well in the past. It's brought us to where we are now.

    I believe everyones moral compass is off what our laws insist is right. But as they have the guns we become criminals.

    In response to your question on the 18 year old. It's legal and nothing could happen from it but it would still make me feel like it wasn't right. That would make me say 'No' on it's own.
    The 13 year old. That is illegal and I'm a firm believer in you always get found out. In addition I don't think girls mature until they are 18 so it would in my mind be not right even if it was legal.

    My tab is not fixed to age but certainly under 30 would be a matter for serious consideration, under 25 would be a definite no but the main decision would be what she was like.

    Like everything else, we do what we want to do if it is legal. If illegal we do what we think we can get away with and weigh up each risk. Many get it wrong and you read about them in the papers but I suspect more do not.

  6. The book I am reading at the moment has touched on these issues too!

  7. Everyone has different ideas on this subject. Legal and moral thoughts are so very far apart. What may be legal can still come off as immoral. I know one 48 year old woman who married a just turned 18 year old male. I see it as nothing but peverted,she was with this boy before he was 18. A birthday makes no difference. And as Lordsomber mentioned the parents, his didn't care less. No wonder the morals of this world are laying in the gutter.


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