Thursday, October 02, 2008

[hidden readers] where are you, who are you

You know what I'd really like to know?

There are known knowns, such as those who blogroll me and I them and we visit each other and all is roses.  There are those who blogroll me and I them and we never visit.

Then there are the ones this post is about - the fair souls who have blogrolled me and who visit at a distance [maybe via RSS] and because I don't know who they are, I never get a chance to reciprocate.

Step forward and tell me, if you would.


  1. Just in case you aren't aware, Google will tell you who links to you-

  2. Thaat's so sweet and thoughtful of you, James.

  3. I wasn't aware and thanks.

    Uber - thanks too.

  4. You've been known to visit people in a roundabout way yourself, James!

  5. W.C- With this post, James,it was evident, was paying homage to unknown readers. Odd that you would take it as an invite to diss someone on their blog, especially when one could also refer your own statement back to you, my friend. :)

  6. Uber, it was never my intention to "diss" James. As for referring my own statement back to me, I woukdn't have the technical skills to visit through a reader or anything!

  7. I'm going to say only that I have never visited a blog surreptitiously.

    For a start, being in Mybloglog, I've never gone anonymous and though I have Google, Safari and Bloghounds readers, I can't be bothered with them, so I tend to go from links in sidebars.

    Now I know of one false email I was supposed to have written being sent as if it was from me in February and I'm pretty sure who was behind it and which so-called friends received it but that was both a hunch and simple logic and so it can't be stated as fact.

    i know a lot of things that are said but let it pass. Those sorts of games people play make one wonder if some people have a life.

    If you knew how many things I've been accused of in my time, I'd have to be mephistopheles but one thing I most categorically do not do is skulk around the blogosphere.

    When I inflict myself on you, it's through the front door, thanks.

  8. I think MyBlogLog goes a bit wobbly sometimes and doesn't show people everywhere they visit...

    For example I know you (James) visit the Bloghounds site but you never show up in MyBlogLog there, but you always show up everywhere else!

    Recently I had to help a fellow blogger get MyBlogLog working for them again...

  9. I forgot to add, I think we all know Welshcakes wouldn't "diss" anyone xx

  10. I am glad you straightened that out James, lest your unsullied reputation ever be questioned due to insensitive comments.

    You have always not only come to my blog, and others I note, 'larger than life', but always leave a comment to make sure your presence is known.

    WC- I think you know what I refer to. I shall say no more. :)

    Cherry- You must learn to speak only for yourself and not project any suppositions/thoughts/beliefs onto others- especially 'all' the others. :)

  11. Uber - I only ever speak for myself (unlike most people), but I will always speak up if I feel someone has been misunderstood or been treated unfairly. My thoughts are my own, and I don't project any suppositions/thoughts/beliefs onto others. If truth be known that is a trait a detest!!!

  12. Cherry- Technically, without being too pedantic, by you stating that '...we all know...' you are projecting a 'knowingness' onto 'all' {not to mention actions/lack of onto WC in particular, as well) therefore,you are most certainly speaking for others.
    I, for instance, 'know' no such thing, and, in fact, do see the referred to comment for EXACTLY what it was meant to convey.

    It's not like it was subtle.

    I was not commenting on whether or not your thoughts are original,they may very well be.

    I, too, defend people treated unfairly or speak out if I think there is an injustice. I feel tonight , on this blog, directed at James,there was. It's not been the first time.

    I do this across the board,and not just in relation to friends either.

  13. I'm leaving the previous comments up on the following grounds - that though they are ad hominem, they are done in a reasoned and restrained manner. However, there is no point going any further down this path.

    Speaking personally about the way when I go to BH, I don't show up in the Mybloglog - I'd like to know why actually. I noticed it happened at BP too but wasn't aware until Cherie mentioned it that it occurred at BH.

    I'd like for you to be beside me whenever I click into BH, which is frequently as it's one of the first sites I check each morning and evening and you'd see it's just rapid clicking between sites.

    What this does is damn people falsely, e.g. I'd noticed Welshcakes commenting on my site but her avatar either didn't appear or else it did not move from a position further down the chart. Now in her case, I was the one who set it up on her computer, so that is strange.

    I think there is something in the Mybloglog configuration as I'm sure Welshcakes is right about not altering her avatar to disguise visits. In my case I'm trying to do the opposite - you've seen me often apologizing for not visiting so it's in my interests for it to show.

    What it comes down to, in general terms, is that we really should think before accusing in the sphere as technical factors can produce strange results. Think I'll post on this.

    So apologies all round, thanks to those who do defend me and let's get back to where we were, eh?

  14. A bit more about MyBlogLog: When you log onto the site it sets a cookie on your computer. If you clear the cache/delete the cookies it will no longer work. You then have to log onto MyBlogLog to get the cookie reset.

    I don't know why your avatar doesn't appear on Bloghounds, I find it most odd. I had thought it might be something to do with the site itself, but that doesn't explain why it only seems to be yours that doesn't appear. I have not mentioned it before because I do not have a solution for you.

    A possible reason for it just to fail on odd occasions maybe due to a conflict (either on the PC, blogger or MyBlogLog)happening at the same to you try to access the blog. Just a thought!

  15. A friend is who increases the font sizes to make the 'moles' amongst his friends happy. :)

    Very eye-friendly read now, James.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.