Thursday, March 06, 2008

[id cards] question of time

Scarcely any need, wouldn't you say, to add anything else?

Shadow home secretary David Davis said: "The government may have removed the highly visible element but they have still left the dangerous core of this project.

"The National Identity Register, which will contain dozens of personal details of every adult in this country in one place, will be a severe threat to our security and a real target for criminals, hackers and terrorists. "This is before you take the government's legendary inability to handle people's data securely into account."

Still, these ID cards beat a chip in the wrist or forehead.

We'd all be part of the EU Android Army then.


  1. WHOOAA THERE JAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The next time you put that bastard on my screen, I need some warning.

    Jeesh, don't go pulling stunts like that, you'zz pulling on my blood pressure.

    Now I gotta wipe the spilled cola from the screen and all over my trousers.

    Yikes. I need me a beer.

  2. Still, these ID cards beat a chip in the wrist or forehead.

    My feelings exactly. That thought is a nightmare.

    Besides, denying your identity does not change that identity. The politically correct should realise that ID-cards are not the gateway to info that is not already freely accessible. Rather than carrying my driving license (two parts), my utility bills, medical card, electoral qualification, council tax bill, vaccination, alien registration, sanity certification etc. etc., in order to supply proof of identity, I’d much prefer to have it all in one piece....

    Gimme a break!


  3. The chip rightly goes behind the ear. If it's on the wrist, it spoils the look of your fashionable. If it's on the forehead, it looks like a zit.

  4. For what it's worth the ID card will do nothing to increase national security. The only benefit I ever saw for them was as a voluntary altnerative to a passport


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