Friday, April 20, 2007

[confusion in terms] humanitarianism and humanism

Prayer for humanity

We have a university over here called the 'гуманитарный'. It translates as 'humanitarian' but many take it to mean 'humanist' or 'of the humanities'. I favour the latter translation.

As for 'humanitarian' and 'humanist', these are chalk and cheese and we confuse the two terms at our peril. The former is concerned with the ethic, incorporated in Christianity but not exclusively so, of charity, altruism, loving one's fellow man and aiding someone with no strings attached.

The latter is concerned with, firstly, placing man at the centre of the universe and suppressing any reference to his Maker:

Moses Mordecai Marx Levy, for example, believed the family should be abolished and that all children should be raised by a central authority and: "We must war against all prevailing ideas of religion, of the state, of country, of patriotism. The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed."

You get the general idea. Yet always, behind the egalitarianism are people with other ideas. John Ruskin, Professor of Fine Arts at Oxford University:

"My continual aim has been to show the eternal superiority of some men to others, sometimes even of one man to all others."

Or Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the Humanists' High Priestess:

"The Christians and scientists must be made to respect their Indian betters. The Wisdom of India, her philosophy and achievement, must be made known in Europe and America."

The usage of "must" is a hallmark of marxists and other humanists. They believe in social restructuring around their ideal and the forced accession of the people to that ideal. A perfect example is Blair's Britain at the moment, although Nu-Labour was supposedly 'Socialist-Lite'.

Of course it wasn't and this brings in the next characteristics of the humanists - duplicity and deceptive images.

Norman Thomas, six times candidate of the Socialist Party for President of the United States, observed: "The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism, but under the name Liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program until America will one day be a Socialist nation without knowing how it happened."

And in Britain?

"Marriage and the Family" was published by the British Humanist Association in 1868, stating that "some opponents of humanism have accused us of wishing to overthrow the traditional Christian family. They are right. That is exactly what we intend to do."

These people have insinuated themselves into the controlling positions of universities, the arts, medicine and all other spheres of human activity, in a position to alter curriculum and outlook and to destroy from within. I see these people everyday. Not all are like this but a significant number are.

Flo Wineriter, American humanistic educator, was quoted by the National Coalition for Democracy in Education, Saratoga Springs, NY, as saying:

Humanistic education teaches a wide variety of skills which are needed to function in today's world - basic skills such as reading, writing and computation, as well as skills in communicating, thinking, decision-making, problem-solving and knowing oneself.

Humanistic education is a humane approach to education - one that helps students believe in themselves and their potential, that encourages compassion and understanding, that fosters self-respect and respect for others.

This is the lie which the humanists peddle and the results can be seen in U.S. and British education today. You'd have to be off your brain to state that this is working well.

The reality is in the keynote address to the Association for Childhood Education International, [1972], by Chester M. Pierce, Professor of Education and Psychiatry in the Faculty of Medicine at Harvard University:

"Every child in America entering school at the age of five is insane because he comes to school with certain allegiances toward our founding fathers, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being. It's up to you, teachers, to make all of these sick children well by creating the international child of the future."

This, in essence, is what a humanist is.

He or she harbours dreams of a re-ordered society, where humanity is forced to conform to and comply with, quite frankly, insane constraints, all the while proclaiming him or herself as a champion of the people.

These are, at best, kindly and accepting folk such as some of our fellow Blogpowerers, good people who are simply blind to the reality but at worst, they are the 'people', previously quoted, whose poisonous prescriptions have so blighted our society today, people with an agenda. And not a good one.


  1. James,

    It seems that all of these liberators are merely attempting to impose their will on the balance of societies. However, most are not fooled. It is obvious that socialism/communism has failed to provide for the masses as promised. Capitalism has a great deal of inequality but provides a lower bottom rung, so to speak. The communist Pinitch complains that the poorest ten percent in America live better than 2/3 of the world. That’s a pretty good record for providing for a county’s population. The UK and Europe provide quite well for their citizens. However, the Marxist, anarchist countries seem to fail.


  2. But what are those of us who don't believe in God to do, James?

  3. You are an idiot.

    1. That was not Marx's given name. Why didn't you just call him Jewy Jewy Jew Joo Joowitz Emmanuel Goldstein Ewige Juden while you're at it? His fucking family converted to Christianity, what more do you want, blood?

    2. Engels co-wrote the manifesto, and it was the product of discussion amongst the communists, whom Engels and Marx JOINED not FOUNDED. Marx argued that they needed to cease to be a secret society and got the approval of the others to produce a manifesto with Engels. Most of it reflects a consensus of opinion.

    2. The part you are PARAPHRASING - not quoting - is not the opinion of the manifesto authors. Idiot. Ready?
    “Undoubtedly,” it will be said, “religious, moral, philosophical, and juridical ideas have been modified in the course of historical development. But religion, morality, philosophy, political science, and law, constantly survived this change.”

    “There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.”

    What does this accusation reduce itself to? The history of all past society has consisted in the development of class antagonisms, antagonisms that assumed different forms at different epochs.

    The bolded parts are the opinions of the manifesto authors. The rest are what they are describing as a misleading accusation by their enemies.

    4. Not content with quoting what the manifesto says will be SAID by BOURGEOIS CRITICS as if it were the OPINION OF THE MANIFESTO, not content with yanking it out of the middle of a paragraph, not content with adding about as much COMPLETELY FAKE CRAP PULLED OUT OF YOUR ASS to the one sentence, you are building a "case" against all humanists as the eternal Atheist/Masonic/Satanic/Communist enemy and attempting to create a moral panic. I bet you HATE being compared to Birchers and Nazis, dontcha. Well, guess what. It totally, totally sticks. Idiot.

    If Satan is the "Father of Lies" you are one of his beloved children.

  4. [karl marx] an utter humbug beloved by the delusional

    My dear anonymous friend,

    1] On your criticism that the remarks were taken out of context and that criticisms were falsely quoted as those of the authors themselves:

    |Manifesto 478| You share a specific concept with all foundered ruling classes, whereby you transform your production- and property circumstances from historical -- in the course of production transitional -- circumstances into eternal natural laws and laws of reason. What you conceive as the traditional concept of property, as feudal property rights, you must no longer consider for the rules governing the property of citizens.

    Abolition of the family! Even the most radical get riled up about this shameful intention of the communists.

    What is the present family based on? On capitalism, the acquisition of private property. It exists in all of its meaning only for the bourgeoisie, but it finds its complement in the enforced lack of families of the proletarians and public prostitution.

    The family of the bourgeois naturally falls by the way-side with this, its complement, and both will vanish when capitalism vanishes.

    This was MML's sleight of hand. Quoting his critics in his own terms, then failing to directly answer the criticism he himself has paraphrased! Instead, speaking in utter simplication that the family is based on capitalism, failing to consider that the family existed long before usury became the norm and the guilds gave way to the bourgeoisie.

    Then, feeling he's established the capitalist connection to the family, he proposes, four pages later:

    | Manifesto 482| 10. Public and publicly funded education of all children. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Unification of education with material production etc.

    Which looks wonderful on paper until one realizes that this means enforced state education of children [mentioned later if one reads through] and for what purpose? To overcome the influence of the capitalist, connected to the family [p 478]

    This was the logic of Karl Marx in context and not paraphrased. The man was a total humbug in his scholastic methodology.

    Then we get onto other things:

    "We must war against all prevailing ideas of religion, of the state, of country, of patriotism. The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed." [1848]

    "A silent, unavoidable revolution is taking place in society, a revolution that cares as little about the human lives it destroys as an earthquake cares about the houses it ravages. Classes and races that are too weak to dominate the new condition of existence will be defeated."

    Lenin: "Atheism is an integral part of Marxism. Marism is materialism. We must combat religion. This is the ABC of all materialism and consequently Marxism."

    Read these and you'll see the lie of the land. What is the nature of a man who wishes to overthrow the building blocks of a society?

    Franz Mehring; "Although Karl Marx's father died a few days after his sons twentieth birthday, he seems to have observed with secret apprehension the demon in his favortie son.... Henry Marx did not think and could not have thought that the rich store of bourgeois culture which he handed on to his son Karl as a baluable heritage for life would only help to deliver the demon he feared." [Henry Marx, Mehring p.32.]

    Milovan Djilas: "Was it not so that the demonic power and energy of Stalin consisted in theis, that he made the (Communist) movement and every person in it pass to a state of confusion and stupefaction, thus creating and ensuring his reign of fear...." [Milovan Djilas, Strange Times, "Kontinent," 33, p. 25]

    "He parted from me as an overzealous Communist. This is how I produce ravages....." [A. Melskii, Evangelist Nenavisti (The Evanelist of Hate, Life of Karl Marx) (Berlin; Za Pravdu Publishing House, 1933, in Russian) p.48]

    In his poem 'The Pale Maiden" Marx writes:
    Thus heaven I've forfeited,
    I know it full well,
    My soul, once true to God,
    Is chosen for Hell.
    [Karl Marx, "Des Verzweiflenden Gebet" ("Invocations of One in Despair"), p.30.]

    From The Player:
    The hellish vapors rise and fill the brain,
    Till I go mad and my heart is utterly changed.
    See the sword?
    The prince of darkness
    Sold it to me.
    For me he beats the time and gives the signs.
    Ever more boldly I play the dance of death.

    Churchill's quote becomes more and more apt with every reading of Moses Mordecai Levy.

    2] You object to the grouping of atheism, satanism and communism as some sort of hellish plot for the overthrow of the world.

    There is nothing in Marx's writings, when taken in context, not out of context, as you accuse me of doing shortly before doing so yourself, to lead one to come to any other conclusion than those which we already have.

    Even on the limited evidence presented so far and we can go on and on until Christmas if you like.

    This is the typical Marxist - blurring truths and applying pseudo logical syllogisms to establish that which is unsustainable. It was not Lenin or the failure of Russia to be "ready". It was the sheer lack of understanding of human nature underlying the communist's mindset which will eternally condemn it to eventual oblivion.

    I remain, your humble and obedient, James Higham

  5. Engels co-wrote the manifesto, and it was the product of discussion amongst the communists, whom Engels and Marx JOINED not FOUNDED.

    I think you need to go back and look at the beginnings of the League of the Just again, with a statement like that.


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