Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Tuesday [4 to 8]

(0701) Covfefe ... quickly please!

8.  Saw this posted on Twitter last evening

There was text with it, I just grabbed the shot before zonking:

Right, what do we have here? Well for a start, we have global cult lunacy, talk of running farmers off farms, of blocking the sun out ... there was the death jab debacle ... that's the "climate" within which we're working.

Then we have people I for one trust, around the world, nit just in the UK, all observing this going on, at least in English speaking nations. Yet to look at the WEF, they're not primarily English speaking.

Yesterday, I was on the phone to my mate up the road when I saw a UFO. I defend using that word as it was until then unidentified, it was flying and it was an object.  So far, so good.

It was flying at maybe 10k feet and was slow, it puttered left to right across my view, turned in a small u turn and went back, then came back again, at which point, the sun gleamed on the fuselage and windows.

However, there was no trail from behind. I asked my mate if there were any small airfields about, apart from that bloody great one across the way. Quite a few he said.  So ok, this appeared to be just an amateur flight ... it was small, snub nosed and prop driven, single engine. Very loud indeed.

However, as with Isilme, there were other planes moving more quickly, much higher up and they were laying trails all right. They appeared to be jets.

Now, playing devil's advocate, let's say our head-in-the-sanders are actually right ... these planes were not laying "chem" and so far, I've seen no substantive evidence that they're not ... just assertive gainsaying, denial ... then the question still remains ... just what are these planes doing, in most western countries, in their mornings? Which have been attested to by our friends from America to the antipodes.

If not chem, then what exactly are these trails, in these particular patterns?

7.  Quick look at Gab

6.  Hanoi Jane

... not the sharpest knife in the drawer ...


... should have gone to Old Sparky decades ago, as should have McCain and Kerry.

5.  Ian J

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi. IAP on the worst crooks of all in the UK gov't:


4.  MftWC too

Military situation in Donbass on May 29, 2023 (Map Update)


Erdogan Wins Election, West Dismayed; Huge Rus Missile/Drone Strike, Ukraine Offensive Doubt


US State Dept Gonzalo. Lindsey, Kiev video cut & paste. Erdogan wins. Athens Mayor S-300 to the Ukraine? U/1


The Russian Reconnaissance Fire Complex comes of age


The Ukrainian Air Force Formed A New Strike Squadron—By Arming Reconnaissance Bombers With British Cruise Missiles



  1. Twisted Root
    #6 “White men are the things that matter and then everything else [is] at the bottom,”
    I'll wager five bob that Fonda will be poster girl for rising National Socialism across the West before the decade is out.

  2. 6. White men eh? Not white women as well. Now Jane listen up and I will tell you why white men had to invent central heating and gas guzzlers. White people populated the least hospitable parts of the planet, braved the harsh conditions yet flourished. For centuries our wives grizzled and griped about "how cold it is in here" about the "long trudge across the tundra to pick Abigail and Tarquin up from school". So how about you lot joining us in prison, segregated so we don't hear your constant nagging for more, ever more.

    Apologies to decent ladies.


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