Monday, June 27, 2022

Monday [7 and 8]


8.  The sheer serenity of the rain

Don't know about your corner of the sphere today but rain - the type which sets in - somehow does something to my soul and has been testament to both the best and worst times of my life.  Besides, I have sooo many header and other pics of rain which have just been unusable for months.

Today, the heavens have granted the northwest [at least] rain, so suddenly, here I go:

There was another version on YT more beautiful, directed to his girl who'd dumped him and had gone off with another man, but too sad for Monday morn perhaps.

No doubt the ladies have their bitter regrets too but for a man, that moment where the hypergamy kicks in and off she skips, starry-eyed, to exciting new pastures, leaving him in her wake, devastated ... how can a woman ever have compassion for the dumped ... why would she ... what with such fun ahead of her ... so she thinks?

7. Evets 1c at NOWP

... runs The Irish Savant, who uses the expression:
Real journalism, not its ghastly simulacrum that dominates the ‘profession’ today.
... which seems to be to be a great strapline for a blog.  Requires no tweaking.  However, Netiquette precludes me from using it in the header, plus the header here would not look too good with extra scrawl, plus space in those crucial top two inches of the sidebar is at a premium.

While still on blogging matters, I've been at war with myself.  Higham the reader is thoroughly p'ed off by Higham the blogger who likes things nice and tidy and neat.  Issue - trying to find something after a week or so on this blog, without having to resort to imperfect search engines.

Issue more specifically?  The 'Read more' line.  Question ... why would Higham the blogger use it in the first place?  Answer is that with long posts, it adds enormously to scrolling time for the reader.

However ... what if not all articles were superlong?  The two types which are superlong are when I rant, plus nameday posts which get out of hand.

Solution?  If it's obviously a superlong as I post, then use the line.  If halfway reasonably short ... just let it go.  With the former, only insert the line after, say, ten days, not at the point of posting.  Reason ... because to insert too early cuts out some early contributors' visibility, whilst highlighting only the late drops.

I'm sure it's nothing to slash the wrists over but all the same, it needs attending to.


  1. 100% sunshine here in western France.

  2. Welcome rain here in East Anglia though we wish it were heavier. Good for the garden though unfortunately bad for our plan for dinner in a beer garden.

  3. Ah, what a beautiful song, tugs at the heartstrings. Typical summer rain here, sunny for a while then a sudden downpour followed minutes later by milky sunlight. Rinse and repeat.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.