Saturday, January 15, 2022

Just some dancing

We can't wallow in the doom and gloom 24/7/52, as Them would wish us to, humans need a break and this is as good a break as I can think of - we've run it before.  In order to make sense of my later comments, may we identify the characters I noticed, presented chronologically, as:
  1. The three professionals
  2. Jackie Chan on bridge
  3. Tall white blue dressed gal to our left of J Chan
  4. Black dressed dance-fit gal, daughter type, O on shirt
  5. Little black dressed kid with lit up shoes
  6. Red dress with pianist
  7. Red black dressed bouncy gal on covered walkway
  8. Sven type male dancer with hat
  9. Scene on steps, two similar gals front row
  10. Same scene, tall pink black dressed behind them
  11. Flagstone scene, massed dancers
  12. Light grey blue dressed on loading bay between 3 and 4 bay
  13. Tall black white striped outfit, a known dancer online
  14. Kid in blue denim jacket, lit up blue shoes

Using those numbers [don't like doing that as it's against our politics, those dancers are human] and realising that these were just the ones I noticed, not you necessarily - you may have noted others and can describe them to us - I'd like to point out that there seem to me to be, in that song, professionals, classy amateurs, good amateurs and rank amateurs [which would include me, were I in there].

Comparing 4 and 7, I originally liked 4 best because she can't really dance, she just stomps around on the floor and gets fit, has fun but 7 has grown on me over time because of lightness on her feet and sheer joy in what she's doing.  A lady of mine in the past was like that, all action.

Leaving aside the professionals, e.g. 1, 8, 13, the best dancer there, in my 'umble, is 12 [just a brief glimpse], the worst is maybe 10 for dancing but who cares, she tries her best. All things considered, I keep coming back to 7 for some reason.  You?


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.