Sunday, October 17, 2021

Sunday [1]

1.  The curious case of the plausible deniability

Readers will have noticed that the sidebar is gone - yep, that sidebar with the links to all the other things, including a Home button and link to NOWP.

As I did not change the settings myself prior to that happening but one curious anomaly did arrive by email*, then here's the tale from the beginning.

PD did mention issues with N.O. last evening in comments at another place but as I was zonking, plus took some occasional meds for not being well and that resulted in out like a light, then that was that.

Issue at this end - the sidebar is gone.  Actually, it's sitting down below the posts if you care to scroll and it reappears again if you click on any post permalink.  So I'm disinclined to reformat the blog wholesale just yet.

In the past, what caused the occasional glitch like that was some bad html on my part [plausible deniability of anyone else being at fault].  I either repaired it in situ or else the posts went off the page in their normal way after a day and that was that. I then went back to what I thought was the offending post and repaired it.  Problem solved.

What I also had at that time was a helpful techie like a guardian angel but sadly, he died in January this year and thus I've been defenceless ever since, wholly dependent on Ggl Blgr to do the right thing and leave me alone to rant.  This has probably registered in some techie's mind.

That there are malevolent techies in relation to N.O. is not even a question - of course there are, from one in Detroit to certain fellow bloggers and readers and of course, BT, GCHQ, and of course the tech conglomerate I'm STILL not going to blame for this coz I luv em I do.  I'd marry em if I could.

What I did notice, which was curious, was that I have my blog width set at 1100px [total width] and the right sidebar [within that] at 340px, creating a pleasing effect.  That 1100px is the theme default total width and is in low-vis unclickable form just below one's own settings, a reminder of total width.

That total width has now mysteriously jumped from 1100px to 1500px, the American standard which Vox used.  This total width I can no longer adjust.  It is set by a GglBlgr scriptkiddy.  But that jump has certainly bgred things up for this theme.  Thanks, scriptkiddy, you college grads really know everything on earth, don't you.

Now, do I think they deliberately did that to lil ole me?  Plausible deniability says no, of course not, and yet look at that article on FB targetting individually.  Plus I did get specific posts of mine taken down a few days back, and a letter written to me, not a form letter.  So some scriptkiddy physically did that or else some karen.  Dontcha just adore these people?***

Now let's go to the modus operandi of these firms. FB and Twitter have always made a big song and dance about takedowns and FB loves these grand jury things where Zuck is brought before etc.  Not Ggl - they do everything by stealth.  So in my case, one can imagine a scenario where I complain about what they've done and the answer is simple - we are universally rolling out 1500px width for today's usage. If you're caught up in that, maybe you wish to rethink blogging with us.  That is very much the Ggl way and as I use Ggl for everything, simply because I have had endless troubles with MS, there it is.

Now, to my own techie friends who have never been able to understand, because techies can't understand anything outside simple functionality, there must be some quite significant and compelling reason for me to have opted this way.  I can tell you that there is.  Quite compelling but I'm certainly not going to write openly about it.

Such a reason then makes sense of the rest of my technical behaviour.  You have noticed the quite gentle treatment of my blog by GglBlr, not unlike the quite gentle treatment by Vox [the Gen X] of Higham [the Boomer].  And there are reasons for that too, going back in time. 

So what we have is three scenarios for this glitch - most likely being my use of some code or link the system doesn't like, also quite possibly GglBlgr's changed format at my midnight last night and the third being some malevolent techie.  Not discounting any of those.

History says that the glitch usually resolves itself over a few days.  Occasionally it doesn't, as it did not with NOdotcom - there, there was quite clear interference going on, shan't rake those coals over now.

Lastly, this is what war is about - we take hits, do we not.  Were there no hits, then we'd not be doing it right.  So bear with us, regulars, please, for some days.


* The email I received this morning had a link and stupid me went there, against all rules I'd set myself.  Methinks it was relying [quite rightly] on my sense of humour and that I'd post it - the instant I did, the N.O. probs blew up.

** Cunning plan now?  Wait some days and if I still can't tweak and get the sidebar back on the front page, then I'll play ball and run a single column, extra info below the posts format which I dislike [also a known known].  Each post will have the home/nowp/ool/brolls button near the foot of the post.  Posts will still go up.  Hopefully.

*** There's a post coming up after Steve's and PD's which will partly address scriptkiddies.


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