Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The workplace

They should have brought HR into it as well to check for diversity.  I’ve heard tales through the years about this fragmentation where the manager and sub-manager and various other people who seemed to have no function were there.  My own workplace was either in education or the military or for a brief spell as a civil servant, or my own ventures, with or without staff - never found myself in this work environment, thank goodness.

Whole notion of someone operating by email or conference call, where ultimatums are handed down with zero knowledge of the process and no one dare question this because of Woke diversity quotients, and the engineers are at the end of the line - sounds insane biz practice.  Would a Proj Man not speak first to the chief engineer, asking what’s possible first?  And would the PM not have come up through the ranks, per CV and know the game anyway?

Whole notion of a client knowing nothing either, yet prepared to pay millions on the say-so of a “people-person”, there just to soft soap clients in treacle talk - were I the client, I’d want to speak directly to the engineer.  And accounts department girls - what would they know?  They’re not engineers.

The thing Lindsay Shepherd said when Mark Steyn gave her a way out and she did not take it was telling. She said most females would not choose STEM but I’m not sure.  I do know of women in finance - they love money.  Just how good they really are at figures I don’t know.  Do they need to be or are they in the process driven section?  

I worked for some time at the CAB in the UK where it was mainly filling in forms and knowing the latest govt Woke regulations, heavily slanted towards invaders and against locals - I was part of that for a time, went on the training courses.  What utter bollox they were.  Supervising gal knew her stuff though, knew the ways around etc., was competent.  

I also knew small biz advisers claiming they were ‘in business’,whereas they were only ever in HR, not the same thing at all - and they were universally defensive over incompetence - trouble is, I’ve been too far away from the whole infrastructure to effectively question why this or that person is employed.

I did know of old style managers who had built firms, e.g. pipe manufacturers and knew each section of the factory and who made his sons, in this case, work the shop floor before they went anywhere near the head office ... that was many decades ago, before diversity hires.  That’s how I learnt the printing business before it changed.  My screenprinting was in one corner of that factory.

It even affects me here, this disease - I chose this Experts youtube above over the other one with the seven red lines because the other made women look bad, p,us the middle management prats.  A woman friend of mine said - if the cap fits.  Don’t make excuses for anyone.  And as I obey the ladies like a little lapdog, like a poodle, then I’ll not defend diversity hires in the least.

But if I don’t defend diversity hires, then they come for me and shut the blog down.  And if I fail to be the fearless warrior, plus competent, if I become slimily in thrall to special interests, then I lose the ‘clientele’ anyway, just as those Woke firms lose custom because they fail to deliver.  Eventually they fold, unless propped up by obscene gobs of money from somewhere - the ill gotten communist gains through trafficking and drugs perhaps?

That’s my rant done, time for brekky.

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