Thursday, May 13, 2021

The pig-ignorance of some vloggers

The three issues affecting this post are the lurgy, keeping the text succinct and keeping caustic comments out of it because the idiocy of a fellow pundit irked.

Looking at the French situation, to the credit of the Lotus Eaters vloggers, they at least showed this:

The France v America thing is a nationalist distraction - faux when it is used by Them as an argument, as the main foe is and always has been, within every nation, the essentially nationless cabal above with complete control of resources, media, health, money etc. etc.

Their luminaries have always noted the prevailing thought system of the time, how the wind blew, and for just short of 1439 years or thereabouts in the west, they went about controlling and perverting a thought system which depended heavily on a personal connection between Man and his Maker.  

It's vital in understanding the thrust of this post that the reader see that I am not writing an apologia for that principle but to note that it flies in the face of the prime directive of the cabal [Them] and thus, in Them's eyes, must be stomped out.

So when Constantine did the unforgivable, it had to be stomped on and all sorts of moves were made.

Thus all sorts of sunworshipping, pointy hatted, human hierarchical perversion was substituted, blended into the brand Christianity Inc., relying on gobbledegook, chanting, incense, anything which placed power back in the hands of humans again ... but not just any humans ... it had to be those of the cabal at the top who could then "illuminate" each successive generation. And don't think I just mean the Pope - have a good look at Calvin's murderous way with infidels over trifles. Luther doesn't come out of it looking too good either.

Shortly after Constantine's effect really started cutting in, it was necessary that a murderous paedophile start an entirely different "cult" and press gang everyone within range of it.

It was essential, at every turn, that the principle of a direct Maker-Man link be stymied, wiped out, suppressed - it was essential that an august human intermediary had to be accepted by the common man.  It's the Druid principle. Esoteric knowledge above in the hands of the adepts, meted out to the plebs when it is good for them. 

Because the moment humans start actually believing there is a Trinity and that they can have dialogue with that Trinity - well it doesn't bear thinking about in Them's eyes.

And Them were losing that war around the middle 1700s, so the next game was to formalise scientific advances to that point and twist them, pervert them into Big Science. Ruled by the Royal Society, who were basically Masons.  Tied in with Round Tables and so on.

So they set up faux confrontations where Disraeli says he's on the side of the angels - faux confrontation between "camps", Kabuki theatre, has always been a major strategy.  Were I to say that there is no conflict whatever between spiritual health and scientific discovery, it's like saying that to while enjoying a steak at lunch, I am also capable of enjoying motorsport.  It's ludicrous to suggest that I can't enjoy both and it's worse than ludicrous to say one depends on the other in a zero sum game - it is irrational.

For someone to point to the fossil record or the orbit of the planets and say that that kills off your sky fairy, doesn't it - that person has been sucked right into the cabalist trap of dual dichotomy, when in fact there is none.  And worse, for that person who believes he's the most rational of beings, the voice of reason, compared to Jesus freaks - he in fact is acting like a High Priest of the God Big Science and its source - the Royal Society and Masonry.

And they never apply the same strictures to themselves - they frame the whole of existence in their own image and for me to say sorry, I just don't accept that framing - that is heresy, is it not?

So while all this was going on in the 1860s, along came Communism, which was nothing other than the latest ploy at the time to keep Man down, under control.  and of course, as we know, it blew out into feminazism, all the variants of socialism - the risible "democratic" socialism and so on. 

For those who felt all this was a bit rich for their blood in the C20th, then just call them liberals.

In the C21st, the new word becomes Woke. Same bollox as ever, new livery.

To summarise - who is the ruling elite's enemy?  Simple, innit - people, humans, Man.  Everything else is just ploys and Parties.  Ask Boris - the common man's just got too uppity for himself, hasn't he?

Insane Wokism is just another jolly jape to keep the common man at his neighbour's throat.  Bring in covid - suddenly we have mask zealots and anti-maskers to have a potential civil war.

France?  The cabal would be delighted if the French all rose up and slaughtered the Mussies.  The Mussies would do their best to slaughter the French.  The cabal would sit in their hallowed halls, sipping cognac and smirking.

And we, the common man and woman, are still falling for it. So when a Rationalist with a silly moniker smirks in a vlog and says all religion needs killing off, he is parroting Marx, he's taking zero into account of who's who.  The Christian right is a major component in the alt-right, the dissident right, the Patriots, the Deplorables.  

At a minimum, they are firm allies - I name MTG, Josh Hawley, Andrew Torba, Rush, any who have stood up to the communist push and the coup d'etat.  They are not the only enemies of Them, far from it, but for Rationalists like this idiot on that vlog to start conflating what the Christian right is doing with what the Muslims are doing - that is pig ignorance. Especially when victimised for it.  Banned, arrested.

It's dead easy to see who the enemies of Them are ... so simple ... those being victimised of course.  Always was, always will be.

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