Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Of heart politics and twitter banning

Was not going to post before evening but as I can count to four posts [being ejukated like] and as I knew that there were only three slots still available today, also having enjoyed that train ride, it was time to confront contact Them, with mixed results. This is the report on those.


As suspected, the heart meds were not there to collect, despite the chemist saying the order had been made days ago.  The good spin I can put on it is that I'm invisible to my GP, the bad is one I asked point blank - are you withholding heart meds until I agree to the Covid pressure?

I was assured that it was not so, they have therefore forced me into a formal refusal, as distinct from total silence earlier and that may or may not have had something to do with the conversation which took place at that end.  Enough on that.  Shall see later in the week.


There are issues regarding this house and me but they're in a state of flux right at this moment.


In the scheme of things facing your humble blogger at this moment, Twitter is least  - however, let's do it anyway.

I've effectively been banned forever as you will see in my notes below the screenshots and that means I must humbly request DR and others to send me news appearing there, as there'll be no more from me.


As mentioned, this is the least of my troubles right now and yet look at the wording.  They lay something on me which I did not request, nor deserve. Were I to push it, they, being the arbiters, would act the same way, so why bother?

I have not in the least called for violence, insurrection or any of that - check back through my blogposts.  Derek Chauvin did nothing wrong is hardly a call for any action.  Rather, I want a not guilty verdict so that authorities can finally deal with BLM/Antifa and thus stop violence and terrorism.

The interesting and disingenuous bit by these crims running Twitter is to say 'temporarily' when they know full well that I'm not giving them my phone number. The govt has it, rightly, the NHS has it, rightly, my dentist has it, rightly, my address bookees have it, rightly.  Everyone else can get knotted.

There it is.  That's Twitter done for N.O. and OoL, except what readers care to send. I shall be on Gab though.


  1. Phone number? Eff that! Those of us who are not members of Gab can't access much there. Same with Telegram, which I don't think you are on there? I access via X22report.com, btw.

    Singing "We shall overcome"

  2. Steve

    James said:

    'In the scheme of things facing your humble blogger at this moment, Twitter is least..'

    You're in good company mate:

    James O’Keefe Files Lawsuit Against Twitter in NY for “False and Defamatory” Statements



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