Thursday, February 25, 2021

In praise of 'mad women'

There's a Maigret episode with 'mad woman' in the title and the premise is that they all have a good laugh at HQ but she turns out to be right. 

Now that's getting mighty close to us on the dissident right who have also been saying things such as 'the election was stolen', only to be vilified and dismissed as Q-anonists. We may be mad but we're not, in large part, women.

Here are three 'mad women' who, unlike the suppressed Laura Loomer, got past first base.

1. Ali Spagnola

Proud to say she's a mutual Twitter follower and has been for years and years.  I didn't quite know what she was about for a long time - she does quirky things like lift decent weights in the gym that many men would have trouble lifting, she plays multiple musical instruments and she pulls stunts:

Here's one of her stunts:

Respect.  Your humble blogger has a complicated relationship with wimmin as a species because he adores about half of them, genuinely, and yet insults the other half, inc. SJWs and Karens - can that be called love-hatist? And they really should not be in frontline combat, on the bridge of ships, designing bridges of a different kind or flying planes. 

2.  Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene

Well done, MTG.  They detest you, the DemRats and RINOs, with a passion - keep at it!

3.  Jessi Combs

There are obviously men who attempt records too and they also die, for reasons Ken Warby pointed out in a previous post - esp. on water - was it DM who suggested submarine?  But the incidence of women dying when something gets beyond them is per head much higher.

This is the sort of thing women as a whole must put up with from their number:

And it was a woman who posted that.  I'd point out that three women are in the shadows at N.O. but they're in the engine room, often self-deprecating, yet together with Chuckles and yours truly made this into not a bad site.

By the way, some suggested that that was staged - sorry, can't see a woman wanting to be seen like that. Seems more likely that they followed her from the gas station to attempt to warn her.  What horses' backsides me-me-me/SJWs/feminazis are.

Then again, look at Bidens both, Johnson, the EU socialists and so on.

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