Wednesday, June 17, 2009

[outing bloggers] it's all over the sphere

I didn't want to do another political post today.


Like Nightjack this blogger will eventually disappear either through a need to protect my business and employees, or be exposed by some moral vagrant working for BERR or whatever Mandelson's Empire is called this week.

The British people are being slowly reduced to acquiescent slaves to work without a murmer as drones in the factories and offices of this country, whilst monopolies like Tesco determine the price of our food, and destroy farmers ...

The blogosphere has given me the opportunity to write on things that I have know that has gone on for years ...

Yes, yes and yes, Guthrum.

Why then do some bloggers use 1984 tactics like widgets in the sidebar informing the authorities where the visitor has come from?

Why does Google require a phone number now?

Why can't I keep my identity and place of blogging to myself and therefore from the very authorities you're speaking of?


Since when has this pernicious practice been acceptable in the sphere? Why? For what? Even in our fiercest battles last year, my [ex] stalker and I never divulged anything of each other, which would surprise many. I have to give him that.

Why would you out a blogger of a different political persuasion if he's committing no crime or is not in with criminals?

Why would you out a gay? If a gay wants to choose his own time [or hers] to come out with it, isn't it his/her business without the Gay Mafia deciding, 'No - you must be proud! We're going to out you.' ?

Why? for what vicarious thrill?

Why must the jackboot reign even in the blogosphere?


  1. It's just a way of further eroding freedom of speech.

  2. It stems from when the politicians made policies that made everyone think of themselves before anyone else. That turned us into a me me me society and eroded away family values and sense of community which led to this sort of behaviour.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.