Friday, January 02, 2009

[the skinny] on the fat of the land

So glad the BBC saw fit to publish this.

This is not the time of year to think skinny but to get a bit of body fat on, eat lots of proteins, good carbos and some good fat. A certain amount of exercise and a whole lot of hibernation is indicated.

Good luck.


  1. There's quite enough fat cats around. Thank you.

  2. The bear has a totally different metabolic process for dealing with the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood, to that of humans.

    So you are correct for bears. ;-)

    You gotta laugh, however, at the total bollox coming out of research departments on all subjects these days.

    I wonder why they bother.

    Do they think that publishing crap will somehow make a name for them?

    And the media that repeat the crap, do they think that it enhances their reputations?

    As the cat said in the Yellow Brick Road, "When you don't know where you're going, any road will lead you there"

  3. That's not why bears are able to survive during hibernation without food intake. It's because all their systems slow down to near death, taking a very long time to metabolize their reserves.

    In terms of humans,most dieting leads to malnutrition as people are not sufficiently educated in the balance of carbs, proteins and fats required to diet without detrimental effects to their health.
    Of course, this would make them more susceptible to illness and the ability to fight it.

  4. By the way, isn't that bear just majestic? Who could kill them for their fur?

  5. I think I will stick to my diet anyway ;-)


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