Friday, January 04, 2008

[townie ant] the fragrance of the city

Ares Den Dig meeting minutes 010208: The Townie Ant

Gibberish? Now, imagine the blogger has been at a meeting in the city for a length of time and the result of his frame of mind is in the pic he produced. Now, reflect on the fact that this is a blog, so for what purpose? To engage who in deep discussion on the meaning of life?

Now, in that light, the post appears brilliant to me, after which he drops this in to his next, concerning Harrison Ford kicking a Russian off his plane and Bill Bixby making his umpteenth return to the action:

Ms. Manners has emphasised that manners are the glue that hold society together. We turn the other cheek when we can, lest we stoop to vulgarian levels of behaviour. But what do we consider ‘crossing the line?’ When someone’s actions threaten the safety and well-being of others. That, and seeing this raving bloke marching towards the cockpit.

I think if I ever found myself in that position, my mind might work along similar lines. Perhaps Sean should take a look.


  1. Took a look, James. :)
    First impression, judging by the choice of words, the cadences of prose: Obviously Writers' Champion's League.
    But who am I to judge? For sure His Lordship is a native speaker. :)
    And therefore I shall have to re-read it very s l o w l y, and probably even twice. :)
    For the reason as noted below (poetic justice) I do have to postpone this challenge.
    Not to postpone, though, I want this: Thanks a lot for the advice. :)


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